Royal Family News: Meghan Markle Gave The Queen A Gift And Her Corgis Immediately Ripped It To Pieces

British royal family news reveals that Meghan Markle, Duchess Of Sussex once thought it good taste to give Queen Elizabeth a singing hamster toy.

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Maybe she thought it was the perfect gift for the woman who has everything, including castles and a gold mine? The occasion was Christmas and Meghan Markle opted to buy the Queen of England a massively tacky tchotchke. The good news is, she probably didn’t have it already?

Meghan Markle Gave The Queen A Christmas Gift That Apparently made her laugh

In 2017 Meghan spent the holiday for the first time with her future in-laws. If she wanted to make an impression she must do with her “gift” because it reportedly made the queen laugh. One year later Meghan would be Mrs. Harry, and we all know the rest of the story. In a nutshell she no longer had to appease his relatives so the couple went public with their disdain of his family and fled to the US to seek fame and fortune.

Meghan Markle Spent Her First Holiday With The Royals In 2017

When Meghan spent Christmas at Queen Elizabeth‘s Sandringham Estate in Norfolk County all of the senior royals were present. At that time she learned that one of their traditions was to open one present each on Christmas Eve.

According to a report by The Daily Star, Markle bought her future grandmother-in-law a singing hamster. The outlet reported that Queen Elizabeth, “burst out laughing,” when she saw the hamster. She let Meghan know exactly what she thought of her generous and thoughtful gift by saying the toy would be perfect for keeping, “my dogs company.”

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Queen Elizabeth Handed Meghan’s “Gift” To Her Dogs

The queen was not kidding, either. Apparently the queen’s corgis bit and ripped the tacky toy to pieces.

Prince Harry once gave the queen his own tacky present for Christmas, so perhaps Meghan was just following suit? He is said to have given her a shower cap that read, “Ain’t Life A B**ch,” for Christmas. And, Kate Middleton returned the favor by giving him a Grow-Your-Own-Girlfriend kit. We wish we could make stuff like this up, but no, it is the truth.

What will this year be like for the royal family? Vastly different, just as it will be for families across the globe. The coronavirus pandemic is still raging and proper precautions must be taken to slow its deadly spread.

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Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip will spend the holidays on their own at Windsor Estate, and Prince Harry and his new family will remain in California reportedly entertaining friends, but not family.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family spoilers, news and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    the queen is such a horrible mother.