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Royal Family News: Meghan Markle Glams Up To Call Attention To World Food Insecurity

British royal family news reveals that Duchess of Sussex cranked out yet another carefully crafted façade tonight, no doubt on the advice of her brand new, expensive head of communications and press secretary plus longtime PR firm, whose collective job it is to make her vapidness somehow likeable.

They got her on CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute, and viewers saw the chameleon like fashionista debuting a much more subdued look and tone than she has trotted out in the past. She tried to strike an authentic note of gravitas but the whole contrived stunt felt strangely devoid of emotion instead.

What her calculated move did manage to do was imitate the much more authentic presence of the real royals, the ones doing their duty back in the UK. Last week the hard workers had a photo op after a three-day train trek by the Cambridges to cheer up the country. The picture spoke volumes about duty, conscience and sacrifice.

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In contrast, Meghan’s latest PR stunt was marred by her picking at her unruly hair and the Uber self-conscious way she matched her blouse and lipstick to the background flowers in her $14 million dollar year.

In the clip, Meghan whines: “Overnight, everything seemed to change. For many families, the impact of the pandemic has been catastrophic. Far too many were faced with a heartbreaking question: How am I going to put food on the table for my family?”

If viewers thought she was about to launch an initiative or charity to help others from her enormous Netflix windfall, they were wrong. She just wanted to indicate she was aware of the problem, but had no real solution to offer.

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And then she descended into that disingenuous babble talk that she and Harry are using: “In moments of crisis, the warmth of a meal can feel as comforting as a much-needed hug – especially in the absence of human contact due to the social distancing we’re all experiencing.”

For some unfathomable reason she chose to end her shallow, vanilla speech with a reference to one of her most mocked moments (so many to choose from) by asking, “Are we OK? We will be.”

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family spoilers, news and updates.

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