British royal family news reveals that Meghan Markle may have lost out on being the face of Dior, but she has an even bigger role in life as the “face of the blame” for her husband Prince Harry’s wrecked life.
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Liz Garbus is the director behind their trashtastic Netflix docuseries ‘Harry & Meghan’ and she told the LA Times that Brits see Meghan as the reason for his failed relationship with the nation and his family.
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry dropped Megxit in 2020, and Garbus think he would never have left his home “were not for her.”
Royal Family News: Meghan Not Dior’s Face
The couple’s Netflix reality show was lampooned as a pity party for two incredibly privileged and elitest people, and drew “lukewarm reviews from critics on either side of the Atlantic, generating controversy from the start after its first trailer used stock footage of paparazzi encounters from celebrities with no connection to Harry and Meghan.”
The couple did their usual horse and pony show ratting out royal family members, whining, crying and basking the glow of their mutual admiration society.
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Royal Family News: The Markle’s Public Life
Garbus was asked if she thought the show helped rehab Harry and Meghan’s rep with Brits and/or the media. She said: “One of the things that I explored in the show was that … Harry had this very fundamental primal trauma as a child and felt very clearly that the royal family did not protect his mother. And, as a child who loses a mother, there are things that aren’t forgivable.
She added that because “Meghan was on this journey with Harry … Meghan really became the face of the blame for ‘destroying’ something that the British public felt was so important to them.”
Royal Family News: Meghan The Face of Blame
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Garbus’ curiously described Harry as “emotionally intelligent.” And yet that is not how the real world views these two: Spotify and Netflix cancelled them. Not a good track record when one is looking for work to finance the McMansion mortgage.
To give you an idea of how reviled these two traitors are three years on from their desperate quest for “financial freedom,” Spotify disparaged them in a most humiliating and public way after dumping them for failure to produce only 13 podcasts in 36 months. In an epic rant that will go down as one of the most condemning statements ever issued by a major corporation of its former employees, Spotify’s head of podcast innovation, Bill Simmons called out Harry and Meghan as “f****** grifters.”
He added “I have got to get drunk one night and tell the story of the Zoom I had with Harry to try and help him with a podcast idea. It’s one of my best stories…F*** them. The grifters.”
Tell us royal fans, is it Meghan’s face you associate with this epic dumpster fire that has become Harry’s life, or is he the real face of disaster?
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Oh please! Now it is Megan who destroyed Harry, the same Harry who for years who partied hard drank did drugs all due to his father who constantly joked Harry might not be his who humiliated him who had little to do with and in no way showed Harry the love of a father. Megan fell in love with Harry and he with her, but sadly Harry’s psychic has been so damaged it will take more than just the love of a woman. Harry is the only one who can change anything. He needs professional help and he has to let go of the past or no matter who he is with it will fail.
I absolutely disagree with you! Yes he partied when he was16 and dressed up as a Nazi! He was a kid! That does not make it right, but we’re all sixteen once! He also became a military Officer and against the better judgement of the Palace, fought for his right to serve his country in Afghanistan! He served with valour and young recruits loved him as he confronted bully’s who were scapegoating young lads they perceived to be gay! People always said his mother had the common touch as she defended and served their plight! Where the common touch came from I will never know, as she came from one of the oldest aristocratic families in England! It is Harry’s empathy that allowed him to marry a mixed race woman from the USA!
Megan is an evil, cunning woman who is only out for what she can get is using Harry. When the divorce happens, I promise it will be her that files when she has a richer manliness up. Harry is mentally ill and needs rest therapy and a quiet life .
I absolutely disagree with you! Harry went into this romance with his heart and soul, he is absolutely besotted with her! It is my opinion that she targeted him! She travelled to England and was determined to meet a wealthy English man! At first the people took to her and thought Harry had got the happiness he always deserved! But the attention quickly turned from Harry to his wife! She ended up taking Harry’s story and it became all about Meghan. She used racism as an excuse to leave England! She, in my opinion, took Harry’s thunder and used it as her lightening rod for her own purposes! He spends his time trying to rehabilitate Megs reputation ! So his genuine issues have became hers! Remember how she masterminded his address to the United Nations, to an empty auditorium! The sad thing about the entire debacle is that’s his genuine issues are no more! It is all about Miss Markle! Her needs, her feelings, her, her, her!
I do not understand why my remarks should be moderated! You refused my comments yesterday and now today! If you could give me some constructive feedback I would clearly change but you just do not like what I have to say! There are no lies. Innuendo nor threats! Comments are about opinions and these are mine! Meghan Markle does not speak to her father, sister , brother sister in law,, her father in law, the King of England, her brother in law, the next king of England, the current crown prince, his wife, the future Queen of England, the current Queen of England! The majority of the British Royal family, can you not see a pattern emerge her! Can everyone be wrong and this 42 year old women be right? One does not need to be the Wizard of Oz to see a pattern here!