Royal Family News: Meghan Markle Operating “Behind-the-Scenes” To Further Her Political Agenda

British royal family news show that Meghan Markle’s chief lackey has reportedly, “been working behind-the-scenes to promote the Duchess’s pet issue and get paid leave legislation passed using her links to the White House,” according to the Daily Mail.

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Genevieve Roth is an adviser for Harry and Meghan’s Archewell Foundation and apparently her job description includes lobbying the same people Meghan pestered in the past to no avail. That would be the White House and members of Congress.

Roth also works for the nonprofit advocacy group PL+US and a spokesperson, Neil Sroka, admitted that, “the group ‘have collaborated with her [Roth] and the Duchess’s team on the issue of paid leave,’ but declined to give details.”

Royal Family News – Meghan Markle’s Team Doesn’t Want To Give Out Details Of Their Work

Meghan has been a busy girl lately. In October she wrote, and then advertised that she wrote, a letter to Congress begging for paid family leave law for Americans. And yes, when she did so she called herself the Duchess of Sussex. Note to Meghan: read an elementary school history book to learn about what happened in the year 1776.

She followed up this unsolicited intrusion by cold-calling US senators on their private lines, a move that saw one unhappy senator complain about Meghan’s stubborn lack of manners.

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Royal Family News – Meghan Cold Calls VIPs

But bothering those above her is not good enough for aggressive Meghan, in November she made a fool of herself on national tv. Her interview with Ellen made her interview with Oprah look like child’s play. Meghan set herself up to be a laughingstock (who hasn’t been seen since) by acting like a chipmunk, acting like a “hot mommy” and squatting in the dirty LA street, not necessarily in that order.

When Markle cold-called Republican Sens. Susan Collins from Maine and Shelley Moore Capito from West Virginia to urge them to vote in favor of paid parental leave, both said they were stunned at Meghan’s brazenness. They noted that the former game show girl used her husband’s royal title, “to lobby,” them revealing Meghan’s abject knowledge of US history.

Collins said, “’I’m more interested in what people from Maine are telling me about paid leave.”

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How did Megs get these private numbers? New York Senator Kirsten Gilibrand gave them to Meghan. Apparently she thinks her reputation is bullet-proof.

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