Royal Family News: Meghan Markle Starting Over, “Focus on Kids” & “Softer Approach” to Royals

British royal family news reports that the Markles are trying to rebrand themselves as loving parents who promise not to torch his family into oblivion.

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News is that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry now realize they have two kids, who from this day forward will be their “focus.” Ain’t that a kick in the pants.

Only grifters like H and M would try and reinvent themselves as family-first folk after viciously trying to destroy his family and still refusing to ever speak to her ill father after he missed their wedding.

They are desperate for a comeback, and a dollar, so why not portray themselves as loving parents after portraying themselves as power players failed miserably?

Royal Family News: Meghan Markle Starting Over, “Focus on Kids” & “Softer Approach” to Royals

Royal News: Harry And Meghan 2.0

According to a source, the couple will now concentrate on raising their kids Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet “and life in California.” What the heck have they been doing for three years?

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According to People, Harry’s family remains estranged: “He is still not on speaking terms with his brother, Prince William, nor did he spend any meaningful time with the Prince of Wales or King Charles at their father’s coronation in May.”

Royal Family News: Harry is Estranged

In 2021 they cried to Oprah Winfrey how awful his family was for taking away Harry’s allowance away and making her wear muted colors.

Never mind that their over-the-top wedding, their meals, their residence, and yes, those cruel neutral clothes, were all gratis.

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They demanded an apology from the royal family and when that didn’t come they went nuclear, with bizarre, hurtful rants using their Netflix reality show and his memoir Spare to unleash a torrent of haterade.

That’s over. An insider told People that Meghan has taken a “much softer approach about Harry’s family.” What does that even mean? That she will cut down the trolling by half? Two thirds?

Royal Family News: Harry and Meghan Soften

The chatty source went on to say “The situation with his father and brother is still very difficult for him. Meghan is always supportive of it though. She used to be negative about it. It seems she has kind of moved on now.”

Again with the hedging—Meghan has “kind of” moved on. This is just more of the smoke and mirrors Markle circus.

Another helpful source told the outlet that the Duke and Duchess of Excess “are very united when it comes to family values and how to raise their kids.

They are both great parents. Their kids are their world.” First time we’ve heard that. Those kids have been so invisible actual people claim they don’t exist.

Royal Family News: Meghan and Harry Are Family People

The goal now, as opposed to the Megxit goal to dismantle the monarchy while making boat loads of money, is for Prince Archie, 4, and Princess Lili, 2, to “have a normal life as much as possible.”

As much as is possible living with a dad who disrespects his father, and a mother who treats street vendors better than her dying father.

If this is how WME plans to rehab the Markles’ image, it’s a hoot. Meghan and Harry being peddled as family friendly is about as believable as Arizona oceanfront property.

Still, the source insists that the kids’ lives are “very play-based. They have several play areas.” That how it’s SUPPOSED to be.

Whoever pitched this idea to People is either a comedian or hates their clients. Because quotes like this: “Harry’s a beer and steak-and-potatoes kind of dude.

They’re playful and flirty when they’re hanging out” will result in more derision and mocking and rightfully so.

Royal Family News: Harry hates America 

Harry hates America and its right to free speech and he plays polo, the sport of billionaires, when he’s bored. Now we’re supposed to believe he’s Average Joe, sitting on his couch watching Paw Patrol?

Perhaps in a bid to make those nasty divorce rumors go away, it’s pointed out that “And while Harry and Meghan have been spotted both together and individually out at restaurants, on the beach or at local markets, they mostly keep to themselves.” Which is code for please don’t believe that Harry has his own private hotel room.

As to why their A-list friends have ditched them: “They’re not into a big scene. They prefer smaller group hangouts at home, karaoke, that sort of thing.”

No one believes this Downey Soft version of the hard edged Markles. If their minders think the American public is going to buy that a snooty prince and a talentless diva have suddenly transformed into Ozzy and Harriet they’re mistaken.

But Montecito Journal columnist Richard Mineards adds “They’re making a life here. It’s a good environment to be educated in.”

Finally something that makes sense, the Markles getting schooled in Montecito. That would be ideal, Harry and Meghan learning some humility and decency, and maybe take an acting class or ten.

But these two mean spirited bores have proven through action and word that they are cunning, ruthless and “f****** grifters.” No cap.

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King CharlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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