Royal Family News: Meghan Markle Up to Her Old Tricks Again With New Book

British royal family news reveals that Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex recently published a kid’s book titled The Bench. In addition to claims that it was plagiarized it was roundly criticized as “boring” and “semi-literate.” Now Lady Colin Campbell claims that Meghan The Duchess bought thousands of copies of her book. Because no one else did?

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Campbell has been a royal insider for decades and has published several books about the British royal family.

Royal Family News – Lady Colin Campbell Is Making Claims

According to Express UK, she was answering a question from a fan on her YouTube channel when she made her bold assertion.

The fan reportedly asked her to comment on Meghan’s statement in which she, “thanked her readers” for making the book a New York Times Bestseller.

Campbell replied, “I thought she had made it a New York Times Bestseller by buying several thousand copies of the book and distributing them to libraries.”

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“That’s the oldest trick in the book,” she added.

Royal Family News – Meghan Markle Bought Her Own Book

It’s true, Meghan admitted to buying up the book which was a dud on the best seller list when it debuted.

But readers, including moms as well as media analysts have criticized some aspects of the book.

Markle told NPR that the book intentionally challenges the traditional view of masculinity. For instance, the Harry and Archie figures are dressed in tutus. She said she told the illustrator to show a softer side of fatherhood and to use watercolor to do so. Apparently he did exactly as he was told.

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Royal Family News – Meghan Markle Is A Controversial Figure

Markle said, “I wanted him to just try something a little bit new and work in watercolor. And that was specifically because I just felt that when you talk about masculinity and you talk about fatherhood, it can often not come across with the same softness that I was really after for this book.”

Julie Gunlock is the director of the Center for Progress & Innovation at Independent Women’s Forum, and she said, “If Meghan Markle really wanted to be provocative and challenge people’s views, she would push back on men who abandon their wives, partners, and children and reject the destructive narrative that tells boys and young men that their natural behaviors are inappropriate, toxic, dangerous, and in need of reform.”

“Markle thinks she’s produced something new, but she’s done nothing original or even interesting. Masculine behaviors in boys and young men and traditional fatherhood aren’t the problem. What is a problem in this society is children growing up without fathers and boys being told they are inherently bad or damaged.”

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  • Christine McDonald Brooks Larson

    Aren't the whining Royals experts at everything? Please make them go away!

  • Guest

    She really is not above doing anything to put herself in the limelight…but we know what she's like, and she will keep on with her tricks because she can't stand not being the centre of attention. How tiresome all this is.

  • Guest

    Meghan Markle is an old trick LOL.