Royal Family News: Meghan Markle’s Court Battle – 5 Key Facts

It’s a scene Royal Family fans have seen many times before and one that the royals are definitely familiar with: a court case with either a tabloid publication or the paparazzi. This time around it’s not Kate Middleton suing a paper for topless photos that were taken of her during her vacation to the South of France, but rather it’s Meghan Markle (Duchess of Sussex) and her battle with the tabloids after they published a private letter that was only supposed to be read by her father, Thomas Markle Sr.

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Here are five key facts you need to know about Meghan’s war with the British tabloids. She is suing the publishers of the Daily Mail and the Mail on Sunday for breach of privacy and copyright infringement.

British Royal News: Meghan Wants Her Family Out Of The Papers

A lot of royal fans would agree with the statement that it seems like Meghan Markle wants to try and control the narrative, especially when it comes to her name and the media. Unfortunately, the tabloid world just doesn’t work that way. As much as Meghan wants her name and her family out of the papers (especially if it’s for a negative story), that’s just not going to happen. It hasn’t happened to anyone else, and it’s not going to happen for Meghan.

Meghan Markle Feels Betrayed By The One Man Who She Was Supposed To Trust The Most

Before she became a royal, Meghan Markle had a very close relationship with her father, Thomas Markle, Sr. But for one reason or another, her fame and a new connection to the royal family have divided the once close daddy and daughter duo to the point of estrangement. For Meghan, she feels betrayed by the one man who she was supposed to trust the most, especially after he gave her private letters to a British tabloid paper for publication and ultimately, the public’s consumption.

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So Far The Court Case Isn’t Going In Her Favor

Unfortunately for the Duchess of Sussex, the court case is not going in her favor as she lost her latest round in her battle. Reports say that The Mail on Sunday can now use the book, ‘Finding Freedom: Harry, Meghan, and the Making of a Modern Royal Family’ about Sussex’s private lives in their defense.

Royal Family News: A Loss Will Result In A Huge Blow For Her And Prince Harry

A loss will result in a huge blow for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, especially when it comes to public opinion. So far, it’s not looking very good for the Sussexes and particularly for Meghan. The fact that a book was published about their private and very personal lives is making it hard for Meghan to convince the court that it was wrong for the papers to publish her letter to her father.

This Might Make Meghan Feel Even More Guarded About Her Privacy

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Should Meghan lose this court battle, it will make her even more guarded about her privacy, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. But it might also discredit her in terms of wanting privacy, despite the fact that she and Harry are very public people. Meghan will learn the hard lesson that you can’t have it both ways.

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