Royal Family News: Meghan Markle’s Duchess Drama As Brother-In-law Is Arrested Before Christmas

British royal family news reveals that Florida man Mark Phillips was carted off to jail. Why should the royals care? Maybe because Mark Phillips is Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex’s brother-in-law and unfortunately for her, family is family, after all, he allegedly struck her sister, Samantha Markle.

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According to the Daily Mail, he reportedly hit Meghan’s sister in the face which means he was charged with domestic violence. No word yet on if Meghan ponied up the bail money.

Meghan Markle Thee Duchess of Sussex’s brother in law is in jail

Phillips was reportedly booked into a Polk County, Fla., jail on December 14 after striking Samantha early that morning. Samantha uses a wheelchair and reportedly needed assistance in the bathroom at 1 AM which according to the arrest report angered Phillips.

Phillips and Markle have lived together since 2016 and after her request for the assistance he reportedly struck her, “on the right side of her face in the ear area.”

Duchess of Sussex drama as Meghan Markle’s brother in law is arrested

Phillips fled the scene but cops found and arrested him and he was later released with a 2021 court date to look forward to.

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Samantha Markle has been estranged from her Duchess sister since 2008 calling her sister a social ladder wannabe. Samantha’s truths were not received well by the royals who put her on a U.K.-specific “fixated persons list” due to “reputational risk” to the royal family. Poor Samantha, speak truth to power and all that.

Samantha has a habit of calling out her sister Meghan’s distasteful conduct such as when she chose to stage a photo op at the Los Angeles National Cemetery. Meghan and her husband Prince Harry traipsed all over the graves of fallen soldiers for their own benefit, reportedly in a fit of pique because his family refused to lay a wreath for him back in the UK.

And so on Sunday, November 8, they staged what Samantha called an “exploitative photo opportunity.” She wasn’t the only one who found the stunt outrageous and disrespectful.

It was Remembrance Day and the designer-clad couple brought their own celeb photographer, Lee Morgan, to capture their every frown and look of bewilderment as they trampled on the hallowed ground of complete strangers.

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Meghan Markle’s brother in law has a shiny new 2021 court date to look forward to

Markle’s brother Thomas Jr. is also known to law enforcement. He was arrested in Oregon in 2019 and charged with a DUI.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family spoilers, news, and updates.

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  • Guest

    Meghan is not responsible for her adult siblings actions. It sounds to me like they are jealous of her and will say anything to put her in a bad light.

  • Guest

    Who really cares?

  • Guest

    It sounds like your a bit jealous but why. Let adults do whatever we have to pay our own debt to society.

  • Guest

    Not interested

  • Guest

    Meghan is very bad influence for the Royal family, they should never accept her again in UK, she doesn’t deserve and never will be a princess

  • Guest

    I Lost Respect on her Meghan she’s controlling over to Harry.. I feel sorry for Harry! He is in Middle right now..his family or her?

  • Guest

    Who would want to be a climber with so many rules. You people judge to much as if you were right there in a closet knowing exactly what’s going on. Get a life!

  • Guest

    What they have said all along is true whether they are jealous or not she is a climber and nothing else runs in the family watch out slave boy harry

  • Guest

    Meghan so trashy.

  • Guest

    Well I think that putting those two in with the Soap Opera is a well planned move.
    I really have no interest in people who divested themselves from their relatives, and who cannot take what their families say about them. Can't have it both ways.

  • Guest

    Why do ppl feel other ppl are jealous of MM? that crazy

  • Guest

    I can’t think why this would be of interest to anyone!

  • Jezz

    I agree, it's difficult to feel someone is charitable, kind and compassionate if they can't domonstrate it to their own family! It's the fact that she appears to have encouraged a similar situation between Harry and his family too. It doesn't matter about their being royalty or rich, this behaviour is concerning of anyone.

  • Guest

    She’s trash. Period.

  • Guest

    Yes. Charity starts at home.

  • Jezz

    Totally, if you can't forgive at least some family (if not all) what does that say about a person. I would guess the royal family and the British government have already carried out an analysis of her behaviour and know exactly what they are dealing with, let's see what happens, it will be very telling.

  • Jezz

    I can't understand why anyone would be jealous of Megan! A woman who can't maintain family relationships, seems to need to even encourage the same situation with her husband and his family! The constant need for attention (whilst pretending she doesn't want it). A person who can travel to a struggling country and then put her privileged life before the countries plight! What is there to be jealous about?

  • Guest

    Guess what TinkerBell you don’t sound like a princess either! You do sound like a very biased person. Do you always believe every thing you read? I suppose you think Diana was treated fairly by the press and the royal family too…

  • Guest

    Yes, Meghan is pure trash. So is Harry. Time to take them to "the curb". It's trash collection day. I'm sure Tyler Perry and his tormented staff would agree.

  • Guest

    Please don't feel sorry for Harry. He's as NARCISSISTIC and DEMENTED as Meghan is and BOTH have played us ALL for fools. When the LIES are EXPOSED, they're going to be massive. Look at the Oprah interview…..18 PROVEN LIES and a PISSED OF FOOLISH OPRAH.

  • Guest

    If they didn’t constantly put themselves out in the limelight with their lies and hypocracy nobody would criticize them. They are irrelevant to say the least.