Royal Family News: Meghan Markle’s PR Nightmare, Called a “Sociopath” By Samantha Markle’s Lawyer

British royal family news shows that Samantha Markle is suing her sister Meghan Markle for the awful things she said about her to Oprah Winfrey and nine million viewers in 2021.

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Her lawyer is playing hard ball, declaring that Meghan “ran a calculated psyop” to snag Prince Harry, and that she is “most probably a sociopath.”

Don’t forget a “f****** grifter,” too. Peter Ticktin is the lawyer with the gift of gab, repping Samantha in her libel lawsuit against Meghan.

Royal News: Is Meghan a “Sociopath?”

But it’s not the first time that Megs has been branded a “sociopath” according to Newsweek, “Meghan has been called a sociopath before by former palace staff, according to biography Courtiers, by royal correspondent Valentine Low.” Have you ever been called a sociopath, at least twice? No, neither have I.

Royal Family News: Meghan’s Sister Suing Her

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Ticktin told the outlet that he can’t be sure of Meghan’s “exact diagnoses. I don’t know for sure whether she is a psychopath, a sociopath, or has a borderline personality disorder with narcissistic tendencies. I just believe she’s one of these, most probably a sociopath.” Oh. My. Goodness.

When the case was filed, Meghan’s lawyer, Michael Kump, stated “This baseless and absurd lawsuit is just a continuation of a pattern of disturbing behavior. We will give it the minimum attention necessary, which is all it deserves.”

Royal Family News: Lawyer Speculates on Meghan’s Diagnoses

Samantha’s suit stems from comments Meghan dropped to Oprah Winfrey in March 2021 and Netflix in December 2022. If you recall, Meghan stated she was an “only child.”

Samantha’s team maintain that “she was highly involved in Meghan’s upbringing while the duchess lived with Thomas Sr. full time and that she saw Doria on some weekends.”

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And yet recollections may differ. According to Meghan, in the docu-series, Harry & Meghan, “she lived with her mother, Doria Ragland, during the week and father Thomas Markle on the weekend as a child after her parents split” and that Samantha had moved out of Thomas’ residence.

This all sounds like a case of petty tit for tat, ‘she said, she said.’ But the real star of this case is Samantha’s lawyer Ticktin who has a way with words. He added that “We all loved Meghan when she started to date Harry. In time, though, when we learned that Meghan was not exactly what we thought she was. To many, the bloom came off the rose with a thud.”

“Here, you have a person who should have been on top of the world, and, instead, she sowed seeds of destruction and harm onto her father, the Royal Family, and her wheelchair bound sister,” he continued. “It is an unfortunate situation when a person is at odds with her own family. Here, you have Meghan at odds with the families on both sides.” He’s not wrong.

But wait, there’s more! According to the chatty lawyer, Meghan did not marry Harry for love: “This wasn’t love on first date. It was a calculated psyop to land a prince.”

Royal Family News: Meghan’s Freefall

Allegedly the first time that Megs was branded a “sociopath” was by a palace aide who told Low, “some palace staff who worked with Meghan called her a narcissistic sociopath.”

“By the time the relationship had deteriorated completely, Harry and Meghan’s team, who would refer to themselves as the Sussex Survivors’ Club—core members: [Meghan’s former private secretary] Sam Cohen, [former press secretary] Sara Latham and assistant press secretary Marnie Gaffney, another Australian—would come up with a damning epithet for Meghan: that she was a ‘narcissistic sociopath’.”
And don’t forget, a “f****** grifter.”

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