Royal Family News: Meghan Markle’s Sister Slams Her, Will NEVER Have The Kardashian Touch

British royal family news shows that no matter how hard she tries, Meghan Markle will never be in the same league as the Kardashians. Who has said such a thing? Her actual sister, Samantha Markle. Meghan told Oprah Winfrey and the world that she is an only child, so maybe Samantha’s barb is a case of tit for tat?

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According to The Daily Star, Samantha thinks that Meghan is not cut from the same cloth as the K’s. Let that sink in.

How Is Meghan Markle Like The Kardashians?

Meghan’s sister Samantha told The Daily Star of Meghan and Harry, “They’re not the Kardashians, that’s comparing apples to oranges.” Indeed. Harry and Meghan are runaway royalty, the Duke and Duchess of Excess. They would never release a sex tape nor break the internet with a booty shot, would they?

Still, the Markles do have some things in common with the K’s. For one, they now live in Cali. For another, Meghan and Prince Harry have signed luxe deals with outfits that will probably air the sordid details of their lives, Netflix and Spotify.

Prince Harry Is Like Kim How?

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Did we say yet that Samantha is suing Meghan for defamation of character? Not only can Meghan not remember pertinent details of her upbringing, like siblings, she reportedly slammed Samantha as a serial mom. According to Samantha’s lawsuit, Meghan accused her of having three kids with three guys. Let’s be honest, Samantha sounds more like Kardashian territory. Just saying.

But according to the snubbed sis, “The Kardashians were an American business empire and everyone knows their background, so totally different who evaded royal duties and broke off from the royal family creating a lot of controversies.”

Is Meghan Markle Just Like Khloe Kardashian?

Samantha went on to explain her point: “If you mean by the Kardashians by just wealthy, there are so many wealthy families, I don’t think they would be the right comparison.”

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Samantha also called out her apparently amnesiac sister and BIL by stating, “They made the choice to leave The Royal Family and that means when you leave royal duty, you don’t get the benefits that convey, whether it’s titles or all of the perks, you know, it’s crazy.” No, it’s not crazy Samantha. You are absolutely right about the Markle’s wanting to have their cake and eat it, too.

Samantha summed up the Markle’s and their four-faced ways best: “It’s just like a police officer leaving the police force, saying I quit and then still wanting a badge and a squad car to ride around in, that’s the simplest analogy I can come up with.” Preach.

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Meghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Guest

    Absolutely. Meghan and Harry are so artificial in everything that they do. She has no poise or anything that it takes to be a member of the Royal Family and Harry seems to have lost all of his masculinity since Meghan has come on the scene. She definitely runs and rules the Markle house and he is just there. So sad.