Royal Family News: Megxit Cost Prince William A Brother And An Ally

British royal family news reveals that Prince William, Duke of Cambridge was greatly impacted by Megxit, perhaps more so than any other senior royal.

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That’s because he seemingly lost a bother as a well as an ally when Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex threw down his royal medals and fled to America for a better life. Royal watcher Rebecca English is talking about the new dynamic between the brothers and what she has to say is enlightening.

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She wrote in the Daily Mail, “It is William, however, who has felt Harry’s decision to leave the family most keenly.”

That’s because according to her Harry left the family as well as the family business when he and his wife Meghan Markle decided to leave the UK to live in America.

English said, “He has forfeited not just a beloved brother, but someone he expected would stand shoulder to shoulder with him and share the burden of responsibility when he becomes king.”

Plus there was also hurt feelings between them, having to do with none other than Meghan Markle.

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“William was also deeply hurt by suggestions from the Sussex camp that he, and particularly his wife, had cold-shouldered Meghan.”

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Refuting Meghan’s whines about the family not caring about her, English said that Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, and Sophie, Countess of Wessex, “repeatedly reached out,” to Meghan.

And, they did so after Meghan’s infamous rant on camera with Tom Bradby for the ITV documentary Harry & Meghan: An African Journey. Although the couple were in Africa to see about the needs of the country, Meghan was more concerned about her own needs, claiming that no one had bothered to ask how she was, while poverty and misery lay all around her.

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At the same time Prince Harry talked about William saying, “inevitably stuff happens,” as a result of, “this family being under the pressure that it’s under.”

“We are certainly on different paths at the moment but I will always be there for him as I know he will always be there for me.”

Apparently Harry is not a part of the so-called New Firm which a source told Daily Mirror, “The family are united in exploring the possibilities in working with each other to highlight the causes dear to their hearts, helping each other and the country at the same time.”

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Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Jezz

    I think wives and husbands can come and go but good family relationships are forever. Unless of course you are Megan and incapable of normal behaviour and maintaining cordial if not loving family relationships. The love and support of family in my opinion is worth more than any million dollar Netflix deal or keeping a controlling partner happy. William is luckier than Harry, he has a supportive wife and a good relationship with his family and his country love and respects him. I think William is clever enough to appreciate his blessings and he is probably very sad his little brother is incapable of doing the same.

  • Guest

    Harry isn't the sharpest knife, never has been, if he's happy good on him.

  • Guest

    Most of what you say is true, except prince William and the rest of the Royals are so much better off without the traitors to Queen and country,

  • Guest

    You are so right perhaps he should go back to the mental facility and get checked out, no wonder his mental health supposedly with Oprah program keeps getting pushed he needs to get checked out first

  • Jezz

    I just try to put myself in the families position. Yes the Queen, William etc are probably angry, furious, frustrated, worried, concerned and much more. Harry's foolishness is threatening, disrespectful and unrecognizable. However no matter their crowns and titles he still a family member who they love. I know if I was in Williams position I would be furious but I don't know that I could still ever turn my back on my little brother. I would do almost anything for my brother and my family I think that's why I find this sorry situation so compelling. I would like to see the family find a suitable solution and be free of this Hollywood drama. I was so angry to see pictures of them at their last event before it all hit the fan. Everyone looked so distraught except Megan who was grinning. I would feel sorry for any family in that situation. How can any person find it amusing to be in the center of a family rift like that, that's not love enjoying your partner and his family feuding. I hope the Queen won't let them delay their trial period. This needs to all be settled and done with. She can start by taking the Duke and Duchess titles. Harry is family but Megan doesn't deserve anything for encouraging Harry to fall so low.
