British royal family news reveals that not everyone is buying what Meghan Markle is selling. One UK commentator has branded her latest preachy lesson as the blather of a “woke former princess.”
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Sky News Australia host Chris Kenny blasted the former starlet for her latest TV appearance at the celeb-infested preach-a-thon VAX LIVE.
Royal Family News – Not Everyone Buys Meghan Markle’s Message
Sky News Australia’s Chris Kenny objected to Meghan Thee Duchess of “lecturing” at the event in which celebs paraded their political agendas as they demanded the US give its coronavirus vaccines to other countries.
The host said, “Now, in case you were worried that the politicians don’t know what they’re doing with the budget, the Governments and populations around the world don’t have access to enough advice that might not be up to all the challenges they face at the moment.”
“You can rest assured we’ve all been given a bit of sage advice. Some encouragement about how to make the world a better place by none other than former, Princess Meghan Markle!”
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Royal Family News – Why Does Meghan Markle Preach About Politics?
While her husband Harry appeared live at the event, she was seen in the televised iteration. The message of VAX LIVE was that world leaders, “step up to make sure vaccines are accessible for all.”
In the video, Meghan was heard to say, “Women, and especially women of color, have seen a generation of economic gain wiped out. Since the pandemic began, nearly a 5.5million women have lost work in the US, and 47 million more women around the world are expected to slip into extreme poverty.”
Royal Family News – Meghan Markle Didn’t Work Out as a Princess
“But if we work together to bring vaccines to every country and continent, insist that vaccines are equitably distributed and fairly priced, and ensure that governments around the world are donating their additional vaccines to countries in need – then we can begin to fully rebuild.”
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Kenny reminded his audience that as a “former Princess” Meghan didn’t make the grade in the royal family.
“Yeah, thanks for that Duchess, that’s all we need is lectures to the world from our woke former Princess!”
Royal Family News – Meghan Markle Was Blasted About Her Lecturing
However, Kenny did congratulate the couple on the impending birth of their second child, a daughter, due in summer.
He said: “Anyway, she’s about to have her second child, and good luck to the former royal couple on that, baby news is always good news.”
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I think people should look at themselves before they criticise beautiful Meghan.Please please stop your mindless criticism of her every move!! Meghan has never attacked or harmed any of you. She is caring and kind and only wants a fair and loving world. Strive to be like her!!!!
Me-again, Meghan, is a princess by marriage only, not by birth!!! She is styled "duchess", not princess. Her ego is already big enough….don't start calling her "princess"!!!
Sorry, but I can't believe two people lecturing on care and charity when they couldn't muster any for their sick and dying grandfather and his 90+ wife who was facing the loss of her husband. If you can't find charity and consideration for family why would you have any genuine concern for strangers? Just feels like an excuse to get some of that media attention they said they didn't want.
Please go away pesty people. You have nothing to back up your hot air, no degrees, experience or training.