Royal Family News: Oprah Winfrey Fuming After James Corden’s Prince Harry Interview

Oprah Winfrey British Royal family news reveals if there’s anything that we’ve learned about Oprah Winfrey over the years, it’s that she’s not the kind of person who likes to share the spotlight, especially when it comes to her competitors. That’s why it shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that the Queen of all Media was left fuming over James Corden’s interview with Prince Harry, which aired about a week before her own sit down with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Here’s what you need to know.

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Oprah Winfrey Left Fuming After James Corden’s Interview With Prince Harry

According to Britain’s, Oprah was likely very livid of Prince Harry’s interview with late night talk show host James Cordon as she could not claim exclusive lines from their conversation for her own sit-down with Harry and Meghan. At least, that’s how one political commentator puts it.

Editor and commentator Benjamin Butterworth points out that Harry and Meghan’s ‘privilege’ has been cheaply reduced through their interviews with James Corden and Oprah Winfrey. But it was Oprah who was probably left the most upset as Harry also talked about his mental health and how he had to leave London for Los Angeles to better protect himself and his family. Seeing how Harry had already talked about the topic with James, it didn’t surprise anyone that he would do the same with Oprah, making her interview less of an exclusive.

British Royal News – What Does Oprah Think?

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Butterworth puts it this way, “Anyone that saw James Corden and Prince Harry on Friday, first of all, Oprah must have been livid that he’d already given the line of why he quit the Royals to James Corden so she’s not got that as an exclusive. So she’s wasted a couple of million there but I just find it utterly extraordinary how a couple that are so rich and have had such a high position in life as the Duke and Duchess can manage to make themselves appear so cheap.”

Needless to say, Oprah Winfrey has not made any comments about the matter so far.

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  • Guest

    Who cares?

  • Guest

    Anyone who dishes her father regardless oh the reason to me is not to be trusted.

  • Guest

    I think these two need to get psychological help. I feel sad for their children. They will be raised in a more dysfunctional family than either Megan or Harry if their parents don’t get help.

  • Guest

    To live a life in a royal family takes a lot of discipline and there is a spotlight on everything they do or say. There is no freedom in a royal environment to have a normal life. If they were not getting a title I believe they did the right choice. But leaving without protection will be very risky. By leaving doesn’t mean they will leave the life of being followed everywhere they go. Eventually I believe they will return for their own security..

  • Guest

    Meghan and Harry have no class. If anyone has followed Queen Elizabeth’s history they will see a remarkable woman who has worked hard to maintain the Monarchy and doesn’t deserve to be trashed by a spoiled grandson and his wife. God help us if she even tries to be President. As an actress she has learned to play the sweet suffering naive wife and mother but is in reality a truely a canniving narcissist! PRESIDENT???? Please!,

  • Guest

    Sad to say but Megan definitely has some mental issues and needs to get help for them. If they want a private life then why do they keep putting their self in the public eye?
    After watching the interview I felt there was definitely a strain on their marriage relationship their body language really spoke a lot especially Harry’s. Megan is an actress so it’s hard to tell what is true and when she’s acting she came across very artificial and self-centered with a lot of rage and hatred which in return looks like jealousy of others!
    Still think a DNA test needs to be done on Harry I really do not think that he is NOT Prince Charles son and if that’s the case then he doesn’t have to worry about being a royal anymore, boy wouldn’t that blow make it out of the water !

  • Guest

    Is it really even news that after hundreds of years of invasion, subjugation, pilfering and slavery of people of colour without even one person of color in the family, that the royal family are racist bullies?

    Come on guys, next subject please.

  • Guest

    I am very confused by all this. I
    I thought they wanted a “private life”? Do I not understand the phrase “private life”?

  • Guest

    I am a fan; however, their situation is a family matter and should have remained within the family. I believe it reflects insecurity. All of these issues need to be expressed and dealt with within the family and with professionals, not the entire public.
    As far as the comments about exclusive interviews and much, no one should strive to profit from another’s weaknesses.

  • Guest

    Harry’s red hair comes from Dianna’s side. The Spencers have red hair, besides Dianna didnt even meet the guy your referring to until AFTER Harry was born. Blew that whole theory right to hell!

  • Guest

    She’s using Harry. He needs to take the two children back to England and raise them near his family. She’s a hateful woman

  • Guest

    To me Harry is the on that looks like dad, the other one looks like Diana,

  • Guest

    I think they are both pretty disgusting. I thought Harry was better than that! But I guess he took lessons from Meaghan about how to play the victim! Shame on him, airing his dirty laundry, with his 99 year old grandfather seriously ill in the hospital. They're out there crying about being broke and expecting sympathy, when all most people feel is disdain! According to Prince Charles, he has NOT cut them off financially! Why are they lying,, sympathy?

  • Guest

    With the mental issues she has who would even vote for her to be president. I would vote for Harry but he is not an American citizen!

  • Guest

    I didn't watch. Did she say she wanted to be president? That's absurd!

  • Guest

    I'd vote for my cat before I voted for either of them.

  • Guest


  • Guest

    This is all conjecture, speculating on what Oprah may have been think or feeling. Stop riding the coattails of this interview and let’s move on.

  • Guest

    They wanted a private life, so keep it private

  • Guest

    Quite the mental unstable couple here and opera looks like a fat drag queen. Lousy wig. Fat chin. Really a messy.

  • Guest

    Oprah is a racist causing more racism in America. Megan is looking out for Megan and her next 15 minutes of fame. Harry needs to start acting like a man. Airing your dirty laundry on a national enquirer tv show was ridiculous not mention allowing your wife to say anything negative about your family. Respect, a word, you both need to learn! Go home Harry before Megan kicks you to the curb!

  • Guest

    Who cares. Report something really important

  • Park Avenue

    Any interview with those two is just short of ridiculous.
    And if Oprah didn't know who she was dealing with, that is hertough luck. They kick everyone to the curb, then run them over.
    Besides, Oprah now thinks she owns ALL the air waves?

  • Park Avenue

    With all her money, she couldn't afford a decent dress?

  • Guest

    Don’t believe everything you read. Oprah could careless about James Corden's interview. Her platform is huge and so is her interviewing skills.

  • Guest

    Too bad buttercup Oprah, your identity, is taking a downward spiral right along with whatever integrity you used to claim

  • Guest

    When you can’t get the help and protection you need, they should do what is best for them.

  • Guest

    Pandora box has been open , no going back. The world needs to know the truth about racism within the “firm” and UK as a whole

  • Guest

    Oprah thinks she is queen of everything, and has enough money to throw her weight around. Get over yourself!!!!!!!

  • Guest

    Voters voted for Biden, so apparently mental stability is not a pre-requisite.

  • Guest

    Who is this oprah? Oprah the ex-wife of harry? And just what is a duchess of Sussex? Sounds like they're playing house or something.

  • Guest

    I love the British and have dual
    Citizenship. My mother was from England and I bet that she is rolling over in her grave at the disgrace these two have brought. The royals are royals. If Maegan didn’t want to be a royal, she should not have dated nor married Prince Harry. She did it to further her own career. A selfish person.

  • Guest

    Political experience is why he was voted into the White House

  • Guest

    For a couple that wanted privacy, they have opened themselves open to criticism and lots of media coverage. Can’t have it both ways.

  • Guest

    This reports is ridiculous. It’s full of maybes, possibly, and most likelies. Nothing factual just guessing.

  • Guest

    Don’t you now a pr stunt when you see one

  • Guest

    Harry was a rebel before he met Megan.

  • Guest

    One interview, 2 for Harry, does not you less private.

  • Guest

    Megan is looking for publicity, she manipulated Harry and he doesn’t see it, poor marriage is not going to last.

  • Guest

    She's a nobody so how the hell she gonna run for president, Trump had no political experience but come on she can't even run a household much less an office in the white house!

  • Guest

    I think Megan Markle is an ass and Prince Harry should have married someone in his class I don’t think the marriage will last he looks sad and miserable with her chain around his neck

  • Guest

    Pompous rich people with nothing to do but bitch and moan and tell you the average person on just who wrong you are on your life choices and oh of course can’t forget to call everyone racist that disagrees with them. I personally have not had the displeasure of watching in full any of their latest attempts to attack the average person and thankfully I don’t have to as I have the First Amendment on my side that gives me the right to call them all idiots and power hungry jackasses.

  • PattiEntwistle

    I feel this all comes from Meghan. If Harry had married someone else I doubt these troubles would have occurred. She had time to groom him to her likening.

  • Guest

    There has been way to much talk about Harry and Meghan when so much else wrong is going on in our country, get a grip people, there are those of us who don’t give a dam.

  • Guest

    Her dad is a jerk that is why she ditched him. There are many dads who are jerks, they abuse their authority over their children. They are mean spirited, drunks, drug addicts, sexual predators, selfish egotistical manipulators.., there are many good reasons one may ditch their dad. I use to work in a homeless shelter for women.

  • Guest

    Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.

  • Guest

    It would have if she was half black…

  • Guest

    Vice President for Trump 2024

  • Guest

    Cause she is a Drama Queen and that’s her way of getting attention she so much craves! She is a problem Children and full of trouble!

  • Guest

    Meghan is half Black there is not any maybe it

  • Guest

    once you leave you can’t go back Harry has walked away and will not be allowed to be in the firm any longer he relinquished his title and responsibility

  • Guest

    Do you think that multimillionaires can’t get the help they need? So they couldn’t get the are they chained in cages in the dungeon? So, they couldn’t get their family to pay for it? Too bad. They should have gotten therapy by now. They’re nit even in the same country anymore.It’s most definitely a private family matter, and they just made major buck on it. Very tacky.

  • Guest

    She doesn’t care if it lasts or not. It’s elevated her to the level of fame she’s always been seeking, so she hit what she wanted out of it.

  • Guest

    I disagree. If he divorces her, the family will welcome him back. He’s the queen’s grandson.