Royal Family News: Palace On Alert To Prevent Prince Harry EXPLOITING Platinum Jubilee

British royal family news shows that Buckingham Palace is now on high alert to stop any shenanigans occurring on their watch where Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are concerned. The couple have been banned from standing on the balcony for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and yet minutes after that announcement they dropped their own bombshell: we’re going anyway (neener, neener).

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Based on the bratty pair’s response, the palace is now putting in place safeguards to keep them from “exploiting” events.

Royal Family News – Harry And Meghan Are Being Put in Time Out

The pair are simply not allowed anywhere near the respectable members of the royal family who will be on the Palace balcony for Trooping the Colour. But that doesn’t mean the sketchy couple won’t try to appear another day and disrupt things another way. Isn’t funny how Meghan and Harry are now being treated like seedy, unwanted outsiders, just as they have treated her family? Irony, karma, whatever you call it, it’s a beotch.

Reports are that palace “minders” are prepared to stop unwelcome guests, ie, Harry and Meghan and a Netflix crew, from filming inside royal events at the Platinum Jubilee.

Royal Family News – Meghan And Harry Have Become The Unwelcome Ones

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To this end it’s been reported that, “A team has been tasked to stop any moves by filmmakers to “exploit” the streaming giant’s $135 million deal with the couple at the Queen’s four-day celebrations.” This extraordinary step is needed because Harry and Meghan announced on Friday that they will crash the party, with their children (teaching them young), after the Queen barred them from the Palace balcony.

Royal Family News – Harry Is a Naked Polo Boy

On Friday pictures showed a topless Prince Harry changing shirts after a hard day of playing polo in Santa Barbara, California. That day was his son Archie’s third birthday.

An insider said of the Markle family: “While the (royal) family are delighted Harry and Meghan are coming, there is a real fear of tension, especially over any Netflix crew. There are concerns tension could explode if the Netflix team comes to the UK and tries to exploit their opportunities.”

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“The worry is they will push it and try to gain access to areas of Jubilee celebration events where they can film Harry and Meghan and their children. Even if they accept that their Netflix crew can’t go into Buckingham Palace to film, they could cause problems – and at the very least cause a major distraction.”

The couple signed a deal with Netflix in September 2020 to make factual content yet have produced nothing. Netflix cancelled Meghan last week, Harry could be next unless they produce some juicy content.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Editorial credit: AU Media

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    When Is The ENTIRE ROYAL
    About Thier TROUBLES
    With HARRY & MEGHAN,
    And They Are All Just
    Getting The KARMA THEY
    Deserve For Treating
    HARRY Like Their SPARE!
    & There Is NO THROWN
    In HEAVEN For Any Of

  • Guest

    If either of these two grifters……Harry or his wife…do anything to upset HMTQ or any of the Jubilee celebrations, I hope they will be immediately seized by the police, frog marched to a waiting car, driven to the nearest airport, put on the first plane out of the UK, and banned from ever returning. Yep…that's my opinion.

  • Guest

    of course he can't stand for anyone but him and mega brat to be seen.

  • Guest

    With the above statements it shows just how Harry feels about his blood family. It is all about the money. If the British people put up with their behavior there will be no stopping them and the crap they come up with.

  • Guest

    It's not a good idea to go to the UK having spent so much time slagging off the monarchy and its people during a time when patriotism, national pride and love for their Queen will be at its height. If you have ever been to an English football match and witnessed what can happen between opposing teams you would understand. Those fighting fans will be united when it comes to Queen and country under normal circumstances, throw a patriotic event and situation in the mix and a perceived threat to their national pride could be lethal. My advice to the Netflix crew or anyone else associated with Harry's Hollywood potential exploitation adventure to this jubilee is be polite, be considerate and be very careful because Harry obviously has no idea of the pot he could have stirred up in the homes and streets of the UK. Personally I don't think Harry and his family should go. I think Harry could stir up trouble and like in every other situation he isn't prepared for or hasn't had the intelligence to comprehend the potential outcome. He's not loved now in the UK and he's seen as deliberately wanting to harm the monarchy and UK and he would be giving the public an opportunity to show just how much he is despised. I wish for everyone's sake they would do the decent thing and stay away. Let the Queen have a drama free celebration, she deserves if for her life long service.

  • Guest

    I think it very likely that Megan , with Harry and the kids in tow , would pull a stunt for much needed attention !