Royal Family News: Prince Charles Desperately Wants Sons, Harry And William To Make Up

British royal family news shows that while verbally assaulted Prince Charles is taking the high road, his friends are defending him. Apparently Prince Charles is having a hard time dealing with the rift his sons are experiencing in their relationship. Prince William and Prince Harry will come together on July 1 to unveil a statue in their late mother Princess Diana’s honor. The unveiling is in London on what would have been her 60th birthday.

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Royal Family News – Prince Charles Is In Shock

According to an insider with knowledge of the situation, Charles Prince of Wales is, “shellshocked by it all.” The source told People magazine that he has been tremendously hurt by the family’s estrangement.

The source disclosed that the royal family hoped for a reconciliation at the April 17 funeral for patriarch Prince Philip. By all reports that did not happen even though the siblings were seen walking back to Windsor Castle together.

“Everyone was optimistic,” the source claimed. “But nothing really happened. There was not really any time to build bridges.”

Royal Family News – Prince Charles Would Like Peace

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Royal biographer Robert Lacey, who is also consults on Netflix’s “The Crown,” has just updated his book “Battle of Brothers: William and Harry – The Inside Story of a Family in Tumult” with explosive and revealing content.

Published in 2020, the book adds new perspective on the royal family’s issues, one of which is Harry’s relationship with then girlfriend Meghan Markle.

Royal watcher Katie Nicholl claimed that after Harry announced his engagement to Meghan in 2017, “William was quite concerned that the relationship had moved so quickly. And being close to Harry, you know, probably the only person close enough to say to Harry, ‘This seems to be moving quickly. Are you sure?’ And I think what was meant as well intended brotherly advice just riled Harry.”

“Harry is hugely protective of Meghan,” Nicholl continued. “He saw that as criticism, he interpreted that as his brother not really being behind this marriage, this union. And I don’t think things have been quite right ever since.”

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Royal Family News – Harry Has A Temper?

Allegations that Meghan bullied palace staff hurt the sibling bond even more in 2018. According to Lacey, it led to a “fierce and bitter” argument and William removed Harry and Markle from the joint office they shared. A formal investigation into Meghan’s alleged bullying is ongoing but she has dismissed the charges as a “smear campaign.”

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Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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