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Royal Family News: Prince Charles Fears Meghan And Harry Will “Hijack The Jubilee”



British royal family news shows that the royal family can’t win for losing with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The royal runaways are living it up at the 2022 Invictus Games, making the sporting event for “wounded, injured and sick Servicemen and women,” all about them.

The thirsty pair arrived with a camera crew to film their every move for a Netflix project about who else—them. They are making headlines for going to the Netherlands after refusing to go to Prince Philip’s memorial because they were not “safe.” Yet for days they have been out in public, posing for photos with athletes and on-lookers.

Royal Family News – Is Charles Worried About Harry?

Even when addressing the crowd, Harry and Meghan have managed to make the message all about them. Harry said during the opening ceremony, “To be role models, or the role models, that each of you are takes strength and it takes courage. When I talk to my son, Archie, about what he wants to be when he grows up, some days it’s an astronaut, other days it’s a pilot — a helicopter pilot, obviously.”

“Or Kwazii from ‘Octonauts,” he droned on. “But what I remind him is, that no matter what you want to be when you grow up, it’s your character that matters most. And nothing would make his mom and me prouder than to see him have the character of what we see before us today.”

Royal Family News – Harry Is Talking About Himself Again

Harry and Meghan made a shock stop in London for a secret visit with Queen Elizabeth on Wednesday. It was the first time since Megxit that Meghan deigned to be in the same room with the queen and there’s no word as to whether or not she acted properly and curtsied.

Prince Charles had a 15 minute meeting, allegedly because the queen demanded it. According to The Sun the royal runaways were welcomed to Windsor Castle with “open arms.”

Royal Family News – Will Meghan and Harry Interfere With The Jubilee?

But now there is a new concern about the gadflies as, “Charles reportedly has some concerns about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex interfering with the queen’s Platinum Jubilee.”

Apparently, some believe that Harry and Meghan’s flyby had less to do with compassion and more to do with, “a desperate bid to secure a front-row seat to the queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June 2022.”

“Charles wants the Platinum Jubilee to focus only on the Queen,” a source told The Sun. “Many are disappointed that Andrew overshadowed Prince Philip’s thanksgiving service and don’t want the Meghan and Harry circus to hijack the Jubilee. This is the Queen’s show and should be about her and her 70 years of service rather than Meghan’s fashion, the kids and Harry. They don’t want it to become the Harry and Meghan show. Charles and all the family are agreed on that.”

That might be a hard bargain to drive however. Meghan and Harry arrived in Europe with a camera crew ready to film their every move, word, and wave and they seem unwilling to give up their vain lifestyle in order to make amends with his family.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Editorial credit: Mircea Rosca /


  1. Guest says

    Those two spoilt brats need to stay in there house .leave the Queen alone she has been through enough .if Harry and Meghan a problem with Charles William Kate or Camila they should sit down with them say what they need to say to each other but stop putting there dirty laundry out in the public eye .it's a shame they think it's OK to put there personal business our on the airways

  2. Park Avenue says

    Again with! "Steal the Spotlight" routine.
    Look, those two will NEVER be on that balcony. I have a better chance of being invited to The Jubilee by The Queen than the 2 liars.

  3. Guest says

    They need to go away! The family don't really want them around because they can't trust them and we don't want them because all that comes out of their fake mouths is lies!!! Everything is about money, not family or helping other people!

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