Royal Family News: Prince Edward Confesses Sophie Wessex Fears

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British royal family news reveals that Prince Edward once had a peculiar fear about his wife Sophie, Countess of Wessex.

What was it? Actually it had more to do with him than with her. Let’s find out what Edward was so worried about.

Royal Family News – Prince Edward Was Worried About the Stigma Attached to him

Sophie and Edward have been married for 21 years and they have two children together: Lady Louise Windsor, 17, and James, Viscount Severn, 13. Theirs is seen as one of the more stable relationships in the Royal Family; maybe because Edward is the only one of the Queen’s children not to get divorced?

At one point Edward was said to be very concerned about what dating him would mean for a future girlfriend or wife.

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That’s because he was well aware of how his family was held up to press scrutiny and public interest interest and intrusion into their daily lives. He knew that any woman would also have to live this kind of unbalanced lifestyle.

Royal watcher Ingrid Seward wrote the book Prince Edward: A Biography. According to her, Edward once said, “It’s not going to affect me at all because my anonymity has gone and I accept that. But you become very conscious of the feeling that if you try to get to know anybody they are just going to suffer a stigma for the rest of their lives.”

“I cannot have a normal relationship with just about anybody ‒ but that’s the way it goes.”

He said this in 1986, and in 1993 he began dating Sophie. The press went wild and had a field day publishing stories about her.

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Royal Family News – Sophie Wessex Handled Scrutiny Well

All of a sudden people came out of the woodwork to tell anecdotes about Sophie from back in the day. It was speculated about her real hair color and whether or not she could carry a tune.

She found the attention, “most unnerving” unlike Princess Diana and Sarah Ferguson, who had some experience dealing with the Royal Family.

Seward claimed Edward “pleaded” with the media to leave him and Sophie alone. Seward also claims that Edward was acutely aware of falling into the same divorce trap as siblings Prince Charles, Princess Anne and Prince Andrew all who had failed marriages. Perhaps he had it right all along?

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