Royal Family News: Prince Harry And Meghan And Oprah Get Booed

Harry And Meghan British royal family news shows that last night a room full of VIPS and A-listers hissed back when presented with the sight of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry and for many it was poetic justice. The occasion was a prestigious UK television awards show and those in the audience did not like being subjected to the four-faced couple at all. They let their displeasure be known by jeering and booing. Oh my.

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Royal Family News – Harry And Meghan Do Not Please

One attendee at Thursday night’s National TV Awards told The Sun, “As soon as Meghan and Harry appeared on screen, the audience started booing.” The pair appeared as a part of their preposterous Oprah Winfrey interview in which the talk mistress allowed them over an hour of air time to trash his family and drag the monarchy.

The mere sight of the thirsty couple from the explosive interview with Oprah Winfrey was met with plenty of disdain and not a little scorn.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Is Hilarious

The source went on to say, “And then everyone joined in, it was really loud and funny.” But was it funny ha-ha, or funny as in karma is a beotch?

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Prince Harry-larious and Princess Pinocchio were shown to the unappreciative audience in a short clip from the train wreck interview as part of a montage of tv highlights (and obviously lowlights) from the previous year.

Several sites, “reported the boos erupting from the UK TV stars at the awards event in London’s huge O2 Arena, although viewers on UK channel ITV just saw the clips without hearing the audience’s response,” according to Page Six.

Luckily, in the name of unbiased, objective, fair and balanced reporting a multitude of worthwhile media outlets did what ITV dared not do. Somewhere Piers Morgan is rolling his eyeballs.

Royal Family News – Meghan Markle Is Comedy Gold

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Sadly none of the Terrible Trio involved in the making of the tv monstrosity were present in the audience. The trashy tv special that aired in March, presided over by the fabled talk mistress was vintage Oprah—they laughed, they cried. And in between plenty of garbage was thrown, but later many of the Markle’s outrageous claims were thoroughly discredited. Oprah has been nominated for an Emmy for the ugly mudfest.

Afterward Queen Elizabeth didn’t dignify the pair’s bizarre claims other than to say the allegations, “will be addressed by the family privately,” while noting that, “some recollections may vary.”

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Meghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Guest

    So, you are all these things in your bio – why do you want to bully the "royals"? Bored?

  • Guest

    There is no excuse for publically bad-mouthing family. What makes it much worse is proclaiming to be charitable, kind and caring. If you you can't show charity and kindness to family it makes it difficult for most people to believe you have these qualities. I believe their family will forgive them but many people will not forget their revolting behavior. No one's family is perfect but decent people sort out their family matters in private. Harry has proven even a prince can lose his class if he's not careful. I feel sorry for their children, they are innocent and should not suffer because of their parents appalling behaviour.

  • Guest

    So right. Why can't they see how destructive their actions are?

  • Guest

    Does Oprah regret teaming with these two? It will be awkward if she wins an award.

  • Daniel Spillett

    not only that but by doing it harry has broken his oath of allegiance which to us veterans is sacred and has no expiry date but he breaks it for a narcissistic fantasist

  • Guest

    Karma, hopefully the Queen takes away his title. I bet Megan will leave him then and move on to her next man. Wasn't Harry husband number 3? I wouldn't be surprised if she tried moves on William or even Charles! After all they are the ones who are closer to the seat!

  • Guest

    Exactly, most grandparents can expect loyalty and kindness from their loving grandchildren. Harry said he loved his grandparents but to do that interview with his grandfather in hospital and his grandmother worrying is not the actions of a family member who loves them. Add the fact that he was in the military, a position he would have us believe was so important to him. As you rightly say it requires a declaration of loyalty and oath of allegiance. He doesn't seem to comprehend he has not just abused his grandparents and family but has made his word and honor worth absolutely nothing.

  • Guest

    I think we have both said in the past they are nasisstic personalities. They are probably incapable of understanding what they have said and done is wrong. It takes a certain type of personality to have the audacity to crap on about how much they hate fake news, only to go on to do a very sensationalized interview telling their own fake tales. Saying things like the private wedding, where the head of the church had to address the statement, why would someone do that, especially when they are so proactive in suing the media over lies!

  • Guest

    Bitch an Harry get what they deserve. Karma's a bitch an what goes around comes around

  • Guest

    Megans destroyed harrys life ..end off

  • Deborah

    Leave them alone! Had Princess Diana left and moved to California, as she wanted, she’d still be alive. She stayed because that was the only way she’d have been able to see her precious children. I have no doubt she’s shinning her perpetual light on HRH Prince Harry and Meghan and cheering them on. She’d be so very proud of HRH Price Harry for putting his wife and children ahead of the “Firm”.

  • Deborah

    She already has!

  • Guest

    Exactly. Butt out people

  • Guest

    I think you should follow your own rules. The “author” slammed Oprah (talk mistress), Meghan (princess Pinocchio), and Harry (Harry-larious) the entire article and provided no quality information. Sounds like a jealous 7th grader. In turn the comments hate bashed as well. Grow up and have integrity. This is a perfect example of bad press.

  • Guest

    I’m sorry but why can’t anyone speak up about their life experience oh no not the perfect royal family you can’t say anything bad at all!!! people what world do we live in yes they did bad talk them and yeah the royal probably did a lot for them but that doesn’t mean everything was peachy look at our own families we all have some form of issues and Megan could only do wrong in the media’s eyes vs Kate can only do right it must have been the hardest mental struggle to deal with and it’s Harry’s family he wouldn’t go as far as to lie or make stuff for the attention I support Harry and Megan and I do love the royal family

  • Guest

    Wouldn’t it be great if Megan does become President one day and has a meeting with the queen that would be one stand-off I would love to see

  • Guest

    Greed, self absorbed egos, and lack the level of integrity it takes to be Royally committed to their duties.

  • Guest

    An opinion piece not a real article with facts. You people are so caught up in the idea of royalty that you can't see the writing on the wall. Whatever the royal family does is okay because they are royal. Why should any family member get a pass if they treat you badly. You people rather talk about the "poor"royals and what Harry and Megan did to them. No one talks about what was done to Princess Diana (and you all claim to have loved her!). What about Andrew and the accusations against him? You are all a bunch of self serving hypocrites. No one knows what went on behind the royal doors but everyone automatically assumes the royals are in the right.