Royal Family News: Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Accused Of “Overshadowing” Queen’s Big Moment

British royal family news shows that on Friday the crowd outside St. Paul’s cathedral told Meghan and Harry in no uncertain terms where they stand in the hearts and minds of the British public: subbasement.

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And the snowflakes wilted, with Prince Harry scowling and Meghan Markle fake smiling. They rushed into their car and were NEVER seen again. Not on their daughter’s Saturday birthday, not at the queen’s grand conclusion of the four day Platinum Jubilee event. They came, they saw, they fled.

Royal Family News – The Markle’s Told Where They Stand

According to the Daily Beast, “There was widespread astonishment in royal circles Monday after it was confirmed that Meghan and Harry left Britain by private jet before the platinum jubilee celebrations were finished, delivering a snub to the queen and organizers of the event.” Did anyone think they would act other than as the bratty kids they are?

“A friend of the royals expressed the irritation felt by many at what was perceived by some to be a churlish and attention-grabbing departure: “So much for not overshadowing the queen. Would it have killed them to wait a few hours?”

The Markle’s Accused Of Being Churlish

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The outlet reported Sunday that the preachy charlatans, “boarded a private jet an hour before the big jubilee pageant in central London began, landing back in Los Angeles at 6 p.m. local time Sunday.”

A source told The Sun: “They just left.”

It’s been roundly reported that the pair, deprived of tacky PR ops, “didn’t have the best experience of the jubilee, spending much of the celebrations hidden away behind closed doors, and not invited to many of the weekend’s most significant events.”

But, “their decision to flee the country while the queen’s life was being celebrated by 6,000 military and civilian performers in central London looks distinctly churlish. They were in the air, crossing the Atlantic, when the queen emerged on the Buckingham Palace balcony at 5 p.m. for her surprise balcony appearance with Prince Charles and Prince William, both of whom Harry has publicly criticized.”

Maybe it was for the best. Harry and Meghan have done nothing positive for the monarchy in 24 months, perhaps leaving early was the nicest present his family could have gotten.

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“They arrived back in California at 6 p.m. local time Sunday, looking suitably shattered, before getting into a SUV to be driven home.” That’s the look of defeat, and while most sensible people would take the pill and swallow it whole, one senses the Markle’s will come out fighting, throwing an enormous Oprah or Gayle or Hoda pity party complete with Pin the Tail on the Donkey.

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Editorial credit: Ollie Williams /

Meghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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