Royal Family News: Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Are ‘Pointless’ Says Royal Expert

British royal family news reveals that Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan Markle are just “pointless” living in their $14 million Californian mansion. Pointless is the exact opposite of relevant, which the couple are trying painfully hard to be. Did anyone get through their saccharine debut Spotify podcast without testing positive for diabetes?

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They have made no bones about wanting to change, uplift and in general alter the world to suit their woke vision. Problem is, their shallow efforts come off as laughable and not in the way they intended.

Royal Family News: Prince Harry And Meghan Markle

For example, have they even heard about COVID? Royal expert Hugo Vickers said Prince Harry is “isolated from his family, the army, his friends, the Commonwealth” in the US, telling The Telegraph, ‘It’s a pointless existence in self-exile.”

And yet the couple are talking up a storm, including on their latest podcast which was roundly ridiculed for its silliness.

Meanwhile Vickers compared Harry’s lack of action over the pandemic to that of Prince William and Kate Middleton, “During the NHS clapping, I thought how, after the Cambridges clapped, it would have been great to have heard from him.”

His words come after it was reported that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle want a 12-month extension on their infamous Megxit deal. Apparently all that wheeling and dealing with Netflix and Spotify have them thinking like Hollywood agents—poor Queen Elizabeth.

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Royal Family News: Should the Markle’s Be Allowed To Keep Their Royal Patronages?

The couple allegedly want a more permanent agreement to the temp one which allows them to basically do whatever they want—work in the US and be deified in the UK as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. In other words they don’t want to be working royals (that pays nada) but they want to retain their royal perks and patronages.

The couple have lucrative gigs with Netflix and Spotify which will be reviewed by royal aides when their review date comes up and there reportedly will be calls ahead of the senior royals and Prince Harry meeting in the UK to hammer things out.

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The Sun on Sunday reports that the lucrative £100m Netflix and £30m Spotify deals will need to be in line with, “the values of Her Majesty.” Of course Harry could have consulted with the queen beforehand but that apparently was not on his agenda.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family spoilers, news and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    They are normal people experiencing who they might want to be in life and it’s ok. Not everyone needs to do what their family “expects” them to do. I have 3 siblings & didn’t follow what was expected. I turned out the wisest & more supporting financially . All of my siblings have had to always depend on my parents for help – not me. And I am just a normal individual so leave them alone! We all figure it out.

  • Guest

    Muppet babies.

  • Guest

    Be ok to figure it out but they insist on being called Duke and duchess if Sussex that is not being normal, they want all the status and perks of being Royal but do not want the work and responsibilities, they live in the US but want Royal patronage’s in Britain, demands his title for the military but then again he deserted them and his Queen and country for money and with the company that is destroying his family, he gets a big payoff from Netflix dragging his family especially his so “ loved” mother and father what a lying fake he is. If he wants his so called private life drop the titles and stop whining about poor me. Wanted privacy so he fled his country now he and his mistress wifey are plastered all over the papers etc, you will notice they are not suing any US papers?????

  • Guest

    Absolutely agree.

  • Guest

    I think they did way more during the pandemic than W&K. Hardly “pointless.” Salty writer.

  • Guest

    Leave them alone you are just jealous because they care about people of the world. I'm proud of them they have made a difference in the world and that is what we need right now. No matter what they will always be royalty with or out there title. Because that is the way the world looks at them. Prince Harry has always help people before he married Duchess Megan. That just shows he cares and
    that is the way Princess Diana raised her son's to be loving and caring. You can't ask for a better person than that. I know that is just my opinion and everyone is entitle to their opinion. I'm just saying and if you think about it you know I'm right!!

  • Guest

    If they were not the Duke and Duchess, flaunting their titles, they would not have gotten any "lucrative deals"…Harry had better watch his step…these people will want a lot more from him and Magamouth Meghan. I wouldn't put anything past her…she has no scruples, and she is dragging Harry down to her level of money grubbing. It is getting very boring listening to their sickening drivel…what these companies really want and are waiting for is much more from them…the "stuff" that sells….and she would convince Harry to sell out his family if it meant they got paid big bucks.

  • Guest

    The person who wrote this article is a complete jerk! Harry has never actually gotten over the loss of his mother and is just trying to be happy now. He's had enough pain in his life and doesn't need some pompous, judgemental person ridiculing everything he and his wife do and adding to that pain. Leave them alone and BACK OFF! You might try polite suggestions to them instead of hateful remarks.

  • Guest

    You are absolutely right, the Uk use Harry and Meghan as work horses because they were popular than all the royals put together. So everyone whining about they don’t deserve their titles. They did more for the royals and the Uk in the short time that they there than Will and Kate every did. They have done more during the pandemic than Will and Kate. Meghan had a miscarriage and two days later she was out volunteering. Also since Meghan enter the royal family and the Uk nothing she did was never good enough for them. And let’s face it all stems from her being bi-racial. Yes, the the media was not so nice to Kate at first, but not the magnitude that they inflicted on Meghan. Furthermore why should have to give up his military title, he earn them as Harry the man, not Harry the prince. War don’t give a damn about your heritage. The Uk is so mad at Harry because he fell in love with a black woman and not a white girl because I’m for sure that if he had married Chelsey or Cessada we wouldn’t be having this conversations. It’s funny how the royals experts find the podcast pointless, but Americans don’t feel that way. And to be honest I find the whole royal family to be useless individuals, especially how they used Harry mother Diana and applaud him for getting his family out of that toxic situation. Now that’s a real man, that can access the situation and get the hell out. Pointless indeed.

  • Guest

    This is the most salty, jealous page against the Sussex ever. If they didn’t exist what would you talk about? All you print is rumors- you have no idea if any of what you print is true. You have no idea if they asked the Queen for an extension for anything, they are actually volunteering to assist COVID victims and you’re criticizing them because they’re not touring in a luxury train clapping for workers. You talked badly of their podcast numbers when they re actually good and got great reviews. They were bullied in England about not showing off their baby like a show pony because they took tax payer money, and renovating their home with the same money. Now they are financially free from said taxpayer money and y’all still have sticks up your ass. You have no idea what their relationship is with his grandmother, father or anyone else, but you gleefully report rumors that it’s horrible. You even gleefully talked about her miscarriage being a “stunt”. Y’all are the most horrible people, salty, miserable, stuck up vultures

  • Guest

    Why would the sue the US newspaper, judging by the lies your papers wrote about others, they deserve it. Corrupt judgments, and people can get away with anything I would want to get away too.