Royal Family News: Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Branded Arrogant For Demanding Free Security

British royal family news shows that Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan Markle’s claims of being entitled to security after ditching their royal duties has been blasted by one former royal protection officer.

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They had a cry fest with Oprah Winfrey which aired Sunday night and said that they were denied protection yet their accusation has been branded as “arrogant” among other things.

Did they really think it appropriate or called for that the UK taxpayers would pay an estimated $5.5 million each year after they fled the country for what they termed “financial freedom?”

Royal Family News – One Top Cop Throws Shade On Markle Protection Claims

“It shows you their naivety and sense of entitlement,” retired chief superintendent Dai Davies, who headed the UK’s royalty protection unit, told the Daily Mail. “It was simply arrogant to presume they and their baby would get protection.”

Each of the Markle’s complained long and loud to Oprah Winfrey about losing their royal security detail even though it was they who blindsided the monarchy by throwing down their crown jewels and leaving the family in the lurch based on their bigger lust for making money elsewhere.

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Royal Family News – The Markle’s Are Naïve And Entitled?

Harry claimed the yanking of protection came at “short notice” and was the reason behind their breaking of COVID-19 lockdown rules when they left a borrowed Canada mansion for a borrowed California mansion.

According to the couple, Tyler Perry offered them security along with his mansion.

It’s curious that they refused to pay for their own security since the Duke and Duchess of Sussex quit their royal duties after bragging that they would be “financially independent.”

Canadians were not pleased that the couple landed there expecting a huge handout and when they subsequently fled to the US President Donald Trump put the couple on notice not to expect any freebies from America either.

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Royal Family News – The Markle’s Expected Free Security

Davies said he was “gobsmacked” that the couple expected British taxpayers to keep paying for them after they abandoned the country.

He said, “It was utterly unrealistic to think they could continue to have their royal protection team working in America, in fact it would have put [police] lives at risk.”

He said that British police are only allowed to protect royals in the US as part of a “reciprocal agreement” for “occasions like official state visits.”

“But British officers couldn’t just carry on working there, unable to bear firearms and with no access to integrated intelligence from the security services,” he said. “It was unworkable.”

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Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Jezz

    It should be obvious to everyone what a self entitled fools Harry and Megan are. Why should the UK pay for security for anyone who has resigned from public service and relocated to a different country! Tax payers money should rightly be spent on healthcare and assistance for the poor who don't have millions in the bank and actually live in the UK. Why does Harry think he is so special that he should be funded despite his own life choices. It's sad he is almost 40 and still has the mindset of spoiled child.

  • Guest

    It is such a SHAMELESS MEGHAN MARKLE going on TV with her acting skills acting like a victim. She is a manipulative, self-entitled person who snagged a prince because she wanted to be a princess. So , now she wants her son to be a prince too? Give me a break ! That woman is despicable, deceitful, a liar , an opportunist who has manipulated a stupid immature Harry to marrying her. She has destroyed families, relatives and friends, she couldn't even get along with her own blood, her father. The British monarchy MUST SHUN HER , MEGHAN MARKLE IS A STAIN ON THE MONARCHY AND BRITAIN AS WELL AS THE U. S.A. She does not represent the majority of the women in America who despise her arrogance and manipulation. IT IS ABOUT TIME SHE REALIZED SHE IS NOTHING BUT ONE LUCKY WOMAN.

  • Guest


  • KingSchlipp3

    Why is it when different magazines write about Harry and Meghan like the one I just read always put Meghan first and Harry last? And also they are called the Markles? Shouldn't they be going by Harrys' last name? His last name is not Markle. But it always looks like that. As far as security goes. Harry and Meghan was the ones that wanted to have a normal life. Security doesn't come with a normal life. If they want security they are going to have to pay for it themselves.