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Royal Family News: Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Face A Major Life Dilemma

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are facing a major life dilemma. Apparently, Harry is looking to return to the UK, however, Meghan wants to stay in California.

This has prompted a lot of people to wonder if the Duke of Sussex is going to spend half of his time back at home in London and the other half in California with his family. But according to one PR expert, that might not be a very wise idea. Here’s what you need to know.

Royal Family News: Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Face A Major Life Dilemma

There are reports out there that suggest Harry is absolutely miserable in California and that he is desperate for a change.

He also misses everything that he left behind in the UK. But, he doesn’t want to leave the family life that he built with Meghan in California. That’s why one expert says the only way that Harry could go back to the UK is if he returned with his entire family.

Royal Family News: Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Face A Major Life Dilemma

PR expert Jordan James told Entertainment Daily in a new interview that if Prince Harry were to come back to the UK, he could only come back with Meghan Markle. There’s no way that he could leave one foot in the door in America and the other foot out the door in the UK. He put it this way,

“They’ve essentially set a new norm for themselves and returning to the UK would bring them face to face with their previous life and the scrutiny that comes with it. Since they departed from the UK, they’ve presented themselves as a power duo. Together, they’ve navigated their new life, built a brand, and taken on philanthropic initiatives.”

What’s Next For Harry And Meghan?

James continued, “Harry returning alone would disrupt this dynamic and likely set the rumor mill ablaze. From a PR viewpoint, their unity is their unique selling point so, dividing their forces, even temporarily, might raise more questions and invite even more speculation which could be counterproductive to the brand they have worked hard to establish.”

Tell us, what do you think of this story? Drop us a line in our comments section below with your thoughts. Also, don’t forget to come back right here for all the latest news and gossip about all of your favorite British royals, Hollywood actors, and reality television stars. We’ve got you covered.

Editorial credit: Derick P. Hudson /

  1. Wanda Haney says

    I feel for Harry cause she has brainwashed the poor man into thinking she has been mistreated by the rest of his family when it was her that did anything. She thought that with her new status it would all be good once they were back in the states but when you give up the royal life you give up everything that came with it. If he leaves Megan he also leaves his children because even though they belong to the crown in the UK that doesn’t apply here in the states.

  2. Dinah says

    I wish Harry would leave Megan. I wish he would take the children with him. They are royalty and deserve to be treated as such. Megan deserves nothing. Harry needs to start thinking with the right head…

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