Royal Family News: Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Spill All To Oprah

British royal family news reveals that supposed privacy-loving Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have already booked a ‘wide-ranging’ and ‘intimate’ TV interview with Oprah, less than 24 hours after they announced their second pregnancy.

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CBS says Me-Again will talk about how hard it was to ‘step into life as a royal’ and how she is ‘handling life under intense public pressure.’ Crickets.

How will Buckingham Palace feel about Me-Me-Meghan’s blubberfest? It’s being reported that she is talking about everything in her life from her pregnancy to marriage to Megxit.

The big event already has a name: ‘Oprah with Meghan and Harry’ and a date and a network. CBS is dropping the crowfest on March 7 and already they are promoting it by saying it will primarily be about Meghan!

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After Meghan has been properly introduced and her excruciating life dissected, Prince Harry will then be seen and hopefully not just his dirty feet. The thirsty pair will spill all about their rash decision to dump his royal family for the chance to make a quick buck in America or as they are spinning it, “their ‘hopes and dreams for their expanding family.’

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No doubt Buckingham Palace royals and aides are braced for that these two muppets have to say. Will Harry talk about his brother Prince William and their supposed rift?

Royal Family News – The Markle Family Is Expanding

It seems as if all the details about the talking points have been hashed out and hammered down ahead of the big chat fest. The interview follows on the heels of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex telling the world they are expecting again.

Many experts have pointed to their hypocrisy over demanding privacy while selling themselves to the highest bidder, Oprah the latest in a long line of suitors.

Their ‘intimate’ interview is completely opposite their insistence that they not be pap snapped or looked at or written about. Unless it’s on their terms.

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In December Oprah did the couple another favor by promoting Meghan’s new vegan coffee, a pitch that was estimated to have resulted in $1 million in free publicity for Meghan.

Royal Family News – The Markle’s Are Cashing In On Their Fame

So why go with CBS to spill their tea instead of making their own reality show with Netflix? It’s a good question, one that their benefactor is likely wondering about, too, especially since the pair have yet to make good on their mega million dollar contract.

When it comes to Meghan and Harry maybe the motto should be, ‘let the buyer beware?’

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family spoilers, news and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    For Heaven's sake, get this over with please. I am sick of hearing about those two. Harry is hurting his mum, much more than he knows. I don't want to see or hear anymore. They are the worst. Nothing but money hungry, attention whores. I want them to have the privacy that they wanted so much to leave Harry's family. Harry,I am telling you that you have married a very toxic person. It's her way or no way and that is not a good life! I pray for you!

  • Jezz

    They can chat to Oprah and any other tv host that wants to support their carnival performance act, just as long as they no longer represent the royal family, military, UK or Commonwealth countries in any capacity. I suppose it will be another we're so hard done by, self-pitying performances, that is getting so really old now. It's just a step closer to the next Oprah "Where Are They Now" episode which we will see in a few years after the inevitable trainwreck. Harry needs to ask himself this, if all this attention seeking from the media brings down on him the same tragic fate as his mother, does he think the UK and the world will mourn him? Or will they just be very relieved that all this tedious crap is finally over?

  • Guest

    These two make me sick! How much more of Me-again and Hapless do we have to put up with. Harry, you really made a big mistake marrying this treacherous woman. Your family did a lot to welcome Me-again into their family, but it wasn't enough for her….can't you see how sick she is and what it is doing to you…wake up….and run away from her as fast as you can and don't look back.

  • Guest

    Really lie your comments so very true

  • Guest

    Sorry that was really like your comments

  • Guest

    Me-again has been "buttering-up" Oprah, and doing she could do, to ingratiate herself with the talk show host. I am willing to bet that Me-again pestered the life out of Oprah to have her and Hapless on her show. Me-again is loving the idea of appearing on Oprah to be seen by a wider audience who can hear and see her whine and complain about her life in the Royal Family. Most people will know that she is a brat, who could not behave properly and a fool for what she is doing…and Hapless….is just a fool!!!

  • Guest

    I think there are a lot of sad little people who just can’t stop hating the Duchess of Sussex who hasn’t done anything wrong! Why can’t you all just be happy for Prince Harry and the love of his life? What in the world is wrong with an energetic, ambitious woman standing up for herself, her family, and all the worthy causes she supports. And why is she still being blamed for leaving the senior royals? It was Harry’s idea! Harry wanted to leave the firm since he was a teenager. Why don’t you haters do the right thing and just wish them well.

  • Guest

    She has her slave Harry boy by the balls and will never let go

  • Guest

    Well it take one lying bitch who hogs the spotlight to know another

  • Guest

    Hasn't done anything wrong!!!! What????? Are you kidding me???? We can't be talking about the same person, or you are very sadly, and pathetically deluded about Me-again, just like Harry.

  • Jezz

    I don't think Oprah is a liar, is she? I usually enjoy some of her interviews, the ones I have seen usually appear balanced. However I am not sure a neighbour who has sent gifts to any tv host is going to appear to viewers as a reliable, balanced and authentic interview. It will seem to myself and possibly many an interview with Oprah would be as balanced as an interview with Peirs Morgan. Again Megan and Harry only want to seek attention and discuss their perceived views. I would rather watch an unbiased tv personality do the interview but Harry and Megan won't let that happen.