Royal Family News: Prince Harry And Meghan Markle’s Archewell Failure

British royal family news reveals that Harry and Meghan, aka Duke and Duchess of Sussex for now, have screwed up again. According to the Daily Mail’s Richard Eden, “their plans to trademark their entertainment and charity empire have fallen foul of U.S. lawyers.”

AMP in the post

You’ll recall that the first time they attempted to foist said “empire” Archewell into the public domain, the patent office rejected them—they forgot to sign the paperwork. Do we really want this level of incompetence influencing the public sphere?

Royal Family News – Harry And Meghan Are In The Weeds Again

Give them credit, they figured out their mistake, got a pen (or crayon) and managed to scribble their names on the resubmitted application—which has been rejected again. Either the third time is the charm or the overreaching couple ought to recognize when they are punching above their weight and leave the world change thingy to the adults?

Here’s the skinny on the Markle’s bid for world dominance: “Prince Harry and Meghan applied to have their fundraising outfit, Archewell Foundation, and podcast firm, Archewell Audio, protected by company law in America. They sent documents to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office asking for the sole use of the terms.”

“But they’ve been told that the applications need clarification if they are to be made law. In the application for Archewell Audio, the couple said the company was for the ‘creation, development, production and distribution of podcasts, audio programmes, music, and audio books.”

The office replied back to the wannabe CHIMPOs/philanthropists: “Applicant must clarify that these are entertainment-based services.”

Royal Family News – Harry And Meghan Are Nothing More Than Entertainers

Oh my. Meghan and Harry don’t see them themselves as mere entertainers. They are self-proclaimed inspirationalists who will impactfully impact the world for the better. If we believe Prince Harry, they could start by killing the First Amendment right to free speech for commoners, something he labels “bonkers.”

But ink don’t lie and their, “application also said the firm would create: ‘live podcast performances, live stage performances, live music performances, and live audio-book readings.” In other words stuff along the lines of comedians and circus acts.

The adults in charge responded to the game changing couple’s pie in the sky aspirations, “Applicant must clarify these are entertainment-based services’, as well as ‘specify the nature of the ‘live stage performances.”

Royal Family News – The Markle’s Are On Leave

At the end of June, “the office gave Harry and Meghan six months to respond, or both applications will be junked.”

An insider told Eden, “Archewell is going to be huge. Harry and Meghan will use it to support lots of causes that they feel passionately about. It will be a global organization with international ambitions.”

Right now the Markle’s are on an extended maternity/paternity leave for up to five months. Will they find the crayons in time to meet real-world expectations as complicated as signing their names to official documents?

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  • Guest

    Kate Should not trust Markle
    She is a user
    She will never be a true friend

  • Guest

    These bozos can't do anything right.

  • Guest

    Meghan is the ultimate narcissist

  • Guest

    Joke, right? Can they get anything right? they are seriously out of their league.