Royal Family News: Prince Harry And Meghan Markle’s Explosive Claims Shown To Be Contradictory Or Wrong

British royal family news reveals that the dust is still settling following the jaw dropping interview that Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan Markle saw fit to gift Oprah Winfrey.

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It aired March 7 with a television audience of 50 million so far, and that doesn’t include Friday night’s repeat performance. Go, Oprah!

Royal Family News – Oprah Scored Major Ratings

Oprah Winfrey sat opposite the pair as they made startling accusations about members of both of their families. Yet Oprah as interviewer did not really challenge, poke, prod or grill the thirsty pair. Maybe her role was something completely different and the joke is on the audience?

Around the globe many have pointed out that claims went proven, allegations were made based on second-hand conversations, interpretations were left undisputed and in the end the reputations of the monarchy and individual family members were left soiled but apparently everything the couple said was accepted as the truth.

Here are just three of Harry and Meghan’s claims that leave them themselves open to being properly and thoroughly investigated.

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Royal Family News – Was There Ever A ‘Pre-wedding?’

According to Harry and Meghan they had really married in secret, three days before they fooled everyone with an over the top, gilded ceremony which cost British taxpayers more than £30 million.

“Three days before our wedding, we got married,’ Meghan gushed. “No one knows that. But we called the Archbishop, and we just said: ‘Look, this thing, this spectacle is for the world, but we want our union between us.”

“So, like, the vows that we have framed in our room are just the two of us in our backyard with the Archbishop of Canterbury.” Harry chirped, “Just the three of us!”

But if there really were ‘three’ people present, it wasn’t legal; anyone marrying in England needs two witnesses, as well as the person officiating, meaning five people.

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If true the Archbishop of Canterbury broke the law. Sorry Meghan you have been called out by the Special Licences Section of the Office of the Archbishop who say your “wedding” was just the “rehearsal” of the wedding ceremony.

Royal Family News – She Hasn’t Seen Sibling For 18 Years?

Meghan also claimed that she had grown up as an only child and had last seen her sibling Samantha Markel, “18, 19 years ago . . . and ten years before that.”

Not true, says Samantha, who has a graduation picture of the two of them, taken in 2008.

Royal Family News – She Was Not Held Hostage At The Palace

Meghan told Oprah she was under house arrest; “I’ve left the house twice in four months.”

True? Of course not. The Court Circular records Meghan’s attendance at official engagements on 73 days in the 17 months between her wedding and the couple’s departure for Canada. Of those days, at least 65 involved leaving her home.

There is no “four-month” period when she only left the house twice.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family spoilers, news and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Jezz

    It's like the story of they boy who cried Wolf. Some ET News commentator had the nerve to moan about their security not getting paid for after deciding to leave the UK. Does this stupid woman not realize if you don't work for the UK public you don't get paid, security or otherwise. She didn't seem to even realize that not everyone in the UK is rich or white, poor and multicultural families would be footing the bill for rich Harry and Megan who choose to leave royal duties and the country. It's like suggesting people struggling financially in America pay for their security. Let's do a survey in Detroit and other communities struggling to house and find work for people and see if they want to find money for Harry and Megan's life choices. It's frightening someone so stupid can be a tv commentator.