AMP in the post
The moppets’ latest move involves becoming CHIMPOs (chief impact officers) for a controversial firm named, wait for it, Ethic. In typical Markle double-speak they claim, they are helping others, “rethink the nature of investing to help solve the global issues we all face.” This is where the evil dictator/mad scientist laugh should be heard.
Ethic is a so-called ‘sustainable’ investment firm and the Daily Mail reports it backs, “deadly laser-guided missiles … oil, gas, mining companies, airlines, as well as firms that so-called ethical investment guides rate poorly including Amazon and the owners of Boots the chemists.”
Royal Family News -The Markle’s Are Hypocrites
It’s stupid moves like this that have landed Prince Harry and Meghan in the clown house. Note to H and M: no one takes you seriously, stop trying to adult and just tend your chickens.
According to the outlet, “Ethic has defended itself against charges of hypocrisy despite its branding that leans heavily on the language of left-wing political activism on issues such as climate change and fighting global poverty.” Uh oh.
AMP in the post
It gets better, “A spokeswoman provided the example of a customer whose primary concern is ‘poverty’ – saying ‘of course certain pharmaceutical companies would be flagged for removal (and they are for many of our clients due to drug pricing issues).”
Royal Family News – Why Do Harry And Meghan Try To Adult?
The Daily Mail reports that Ethic goes against much of what Harry and Meghan claim to believe in, and Harry himself proves his hypocrisy by writing in the Washington Post today, “that firms must stop pillaging Africa for oil.”
Royal watcher Penny Junor claims that the bratty pair’s backing of Ethic could mean, “life is going to be very difficult for Meghan and Harry … setting themselves up for a fall.”
AMP in the post
Ethic has shares in Fox Corp, part of Rupert Murdoch’s media empire that Harry has disparaged but apparently Harry has no low he’s not willing to stoop to in order to make a buck.
Fox commentators Tucker Carlson, “calls Harry ‘Prince whatever his name is’ and Meghan Markle: ‘His angry wife in Los Angeles,” while Sean Hannity dragged the court jester for calling the First Amendment “bonkers.” He said, “Harry, we really don’t need you coming from England to give us lectures on the First Amendment.” But let’s be honest, we do need Harry and Meghan’s incredible ability to make us laugh, now more than ever.
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I don’t think this information is confirmed
It's amazing what they will do for money.
Trying to live a greener and better life can be very challenging. Its difficult for people, especially whilst working, financially and time of put many of us under pressure whilst trying to be environmentally conscious and responsible. Making money and greener lifestyles are not ofte the best partners. I think anyone in the spotlight like Harry and Megan need to be double careful that their actions support their statements otherwise it is easy to look disingenuous.