Royal Family News: Prince Harry and Meghan’s New Netflix Project A Radical Departure

British royal family news divulges that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle still have juice left with Netflix. It took them years to deliver their first project, the tabloid-y docuseries Harry & Meghan, and the streamer is not about to let them loaf further.

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What can the world expect next from the couple who have become a late-night punchline due to Harry’s frostbit penis? A source told The Sun: “They’ve had enough of being in the spotlight for now.” Which is a polite way of saying they are hearing crickets from the A-list crowd.

According to the publication, up next is a scripted show light years away from the drama and trauma of Harry & Meghan. Which is interesting seeing as how Netflix cancelled Meghan’s cartoon life story last year.

Royal Family News – Meghan and Harry’s Next Show

Apparently the couple will be executive producers on the project despite not having a lick of experience in this area. Are you ready for another rip-off of When Harry Met Sally?

Because the source claims their second project will be a romantic comedy. Then again, Harry is a known fan of Friends so it be an ensemble cast for the film which is described as “fun” content.

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In contrast, their first foray into film was released late last year, late being the key word. Nonetheless it is one of Netflix’s most-streamed projects. In January Harry released his autobiography Spare, again a late entry into the book realm. It sold millions of copies in its first week of its release even though it was leaked the week before.

Royal Family News – Harry’s Wrote The Memoir Spare

The book and its licentious contents are said to have alienated the Markles even further from the royal family. In 2020 they defected in a bombastic move known as Megxit and have trashed their families ever since. As a result of a crude dirty linen airing with Oprah Winfrey, Meghan’s sister Samantha is suing her for defamation.

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In the book Harry called his brother Prince William out for a heated exchange over Meghan. According to Harry, William pushed him and horror of horrors, broke his necklace. Because of the toxicity surrounding the couple, it is unknown if they will attend his father, King Charles’, coronation, which is takes place on May 6.

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