Royal Family News: Prince Harry And Meghan’s UK “Vanity Tour” A Disaster In The Making?

British royal family news shows that the world gives zero clucks for The Harry and Meghan Show. That was abundantly clear in June when the bratty pair went back to the UK for the first time since running away from duty to make a fortune.

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How were they received? With a chorus of boos. When it happened, in front of a church no less, Harry looked like he had a lemon in his mouth while Meghan put on her best la-la-la-I-can’t-hear-you face. But actions speak louder than words and these two crumpled under the rejection, leaving the Platinum Jubilee early, ditching the Queen and the nation once again.

Royal Family News – The Markles Are Coming

These two bums will be in the UK next month, and already, “apologists are at it again, demanding the Royal Family roll out the red carpet for the exiled Sussexes on their vanity tour of Britain next month.” As Dan Wooten calls it, “I can assure them that isn’t going to happen.”

With exquisite detail, he lists the reasons why starting with, “The fury, outrage and disgust at the highest levels of the monarchy over Prince Harry’s decision to press ahead with the publication of his upcoming autobiography, even as the 96-year-old Queen’s health suffers, is only growing.”

The book comes after their trashy Oprah Winfrey interview, a new low in dirty laundry airing.

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Royal Family News – Harry Is a Source of Pain

And, “Despite her best efforts to cultivate a positive relationship, there are fears Harry could publicly criticise his stepmother Camilla in the tome. Those concerns grew significantly when there was radio silence from Montecito when the Queen made the historic announcement that it is her wish for the Duchess of Cornwall to become Queen Consort upon her death.”

It’s also been said that Harry’s former allies, low key and down to earth Zara Phillips and Mike Tindall, are, “highly critical of the couple’s stand-offish, haughty and arrogant attitude during their last visit for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.”

Then there is the fact that snotty Harry is battling the Home Office, demanding that he be given government-provided Met security, the same as the queen.

Why are Harry and Meghan returning to the UK, all things considered? Would you be shocked if their motivation is financial?

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Royal Family News – The Markles Are House Poor?

They took Netflix and Spotify money and have done nothing in return. It was a huge embarrassment when Netflix cancelled Meghan’s cartoon life story before it was made. Thus, now it seems that the “Be Nice!” philanthropists must stoop to making a crude Kardashian style reality show after they, “denied there was any prospect of such a show.”

Does Harry’s family owe him anything after the rude, savage way he and Meghan treated them? Tell us what you think royal fans!

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

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Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Jezz

    It looks very much like Harry is treating his grandmother with the same lack of compassion he did with his grandfather. By this I mean forging on with his own selfish agenda. I have to ask myself what genuine charity, love, compassion does anyone have if they can’t put aside their selfish agendas for their sick grandparents. I find it difficult to believe someone is genuinely charitable, especially when it comes to strangers if you can’t actually demonstrate any for sick grandparents which you supposedly claim to love. Harry has spent much of his time casting a shadow on his grandmothers selfless duty and reign as a monarch. Who could do such a thing to a relative they claim to love. Action speaks louder than words and when I look a Harry’s supposed love for his grandmother I don’t see a loving grandchild, I see a narcissist.