Royal Family News: Prince Harry And Prince William Argued After Prince Philip’s Funeral?

British royal family news reveals that Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Prince William, Duke Of Cambridge will unveil a statue dedicated to their late mother Princess Diana on July 1 in London.

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They were last together in April for the funeral of Prince Philip, the royal family patriarch and their grandfather.

Royal expert Robert Lacey wrote in the Daily Mail that some had hoped the funeral, “would bring the warring brothers together in an atmosphere of reflection.” That was not the case. Lacey wrote Battle of Brothers and is a consultant on Netflix’s series about the royals, The Crown.

Robert Lacey Is In The Headlines

Much was made of the fact that the two brothers engaged in a short public talk outside St. George’s Chapel after the funeral service. But according to Lacey, later that day an argument broke out between the estranged brothers, “within minutes of the siblings getting inside the castle and beyond camera vision.”

A friend of the family told Lacey, “There they were, at each other’s throats as fiercely as ever. The rage and anger between those two has grown so incredibly deep. Too many harsh and wounding things have been said.”

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“Everyone was optimistic,” one source told People about the pair’s reunion at Philip’s funeral, “but nothing really happened.” Another insider said, “There was not really any time to build bridges.”

There Are Angry Words Separating Prince Harry And Prince William

Lacey also wrote that the brothers did not have a mutual talk with their father Prince Charles. “There was no reconciliation, and no brotherly sit-down or ‘mini summit’ following Prince Philip’s funeral on April 17. The conflict between Diana’s two bitterly divided sons does not seem likely to end any time soon.”

According to People, the chasm between the once close brothers began when Prince William offered brotherly advice to Prince Harry about his then-girlfriend Meghan Markle. He is said to have told Harry to take his time getting to know her, and this ticked off Harry. We all know how this story ends: with a May 2018 wedding, a nasty defection from the monarchy and Harry crying to Oprah Winfrey’s audience about how dreadful his privileged life is.

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Prince Harry is Back in the UK

According to new content in Lacey’s book, things went from bad to worse in October 2018 when William learned palace staff were allegedly bullied by Markle. Markle called the allegations a “smear campaign” but the investigation into her reported behavior is ongoing.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    They Are Grown Men Let
    Them Figure Out Thier
    Own Drama, If Harry Did
    Not Take Williams Advice
    At The Time, I'm Sure At
    Some Point He Will Wish
    He Had & Right Now He's
    To Stubborn To Realize
    It. I Believe Both William
    & Harry Were Deeply
    Affected By Diana's
    Death & Harry Maybe
    More So, Since That
    Heir & The Spare Thing
    Probably Didn't Do To
    Much For His Self Esteem.
    Maybe Moving To A New
    Country Will Do Some
    Good For Harry, & Maybe
    Cutting The Puppet
    Strings His Grandmother
    & Dad Seem To Have
    Tried To Hold Onto
    Both William & Harry
    Will Sever & Each Will
    Go Thier Separate Ways,
    I Can See Harry Going
    Back For The Dedication
    Of Diana's Statue But
    Other Than The Eventual
    Death Of His Grandmother
    He Should Pass On Going
    To The UK, & The Monarch
    Should Stop Expecting
    Harry To, Cut The Strings
    Folks., Move On & Let
    It Go! Charles & Granny
    Made To Many Mistakes
    With These 2 Boys Who
    Are Now Men So Let
    Them Figure Where They
    Go From Here, Without
    Your 2 Cents Worth.

  • Guest

    Well said.

  • Guest

    Fireworks start in the UK on July 1 is predicted.

  • Jezz

    The sad thing is with untrustworthy parents, who will use private family matters for media publicity it will obviously make it difficult for the family to see the children. I think had things with Harry and Megan been different many of us in the UK and Commonwealth would have loved to have seen their little ones who would be representing royal diversity. Harry and Megan have set things back because just look how Harry has changed since marrying Megan, people are obviously going to be cautious around their children in future in case they adopt the same nasisstic attitude. I really hope the children will be different than their parents.

  • Jezz

    If my brother had crapped on my family the way Harry has repeatedly done recently on his it would take me a lot of time to get past it. I would cordially invite him to honour Diana and be polite. After this final necessary visit from Harry, to pay his respects to his mother he is not needed or required at any royal and public events. He is no longer in service to the UK and Commonwealth, who he has insulted with his sweeping generalized statements and lecturing. If his family want to see him it should now be done in private away from the public and they should even then be careful of what they say and do because Harry has shown his colours, he is all about even selling his own grandmother for a fast buck. He is a despicable low life. If the Queen continues to in invite him to royal events she is just giving him an opportunity for more fuel for his lies and a platform and increased profile for his media sensation stories for $$$. I would seriously question her judgment and ability to rule if Harry is not restricted to private family visits which are a private and non public matter. I feel sorry for William, Harry playing the baby to get his own way, whilst cunningly trying to undermine his father and brothers futures as future Kings.