Royal Family News: Prince Harry Called “An Airy-Fairy Do-gooder” By Biographer

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British royal family news reveals that Prince Harry has just been read the riot act by someone who knows him and who he once was. Angela Levin is not some random yahoo who takes offense at the snowflake and his wife Meghan Markle putting on airs and preaching their drivel as if they are relevant. She is Prince Harry’s biographer and what she has to say about what he has become is eye-opening for all the wrong reasons.

Royal Family News: Angela Levin Is Calling Prince Harry Out On The Carpet

She wrote an op-ed for the Sunday Telegraph and if Harry isn’t feeling the burn he needs to take off his Ray-Bans and Hollywood armor and think twice about his life. Levin stated flat our what most people with eyes think: Harry is “meekly” following Meghan’s “woke” ways and, throwing away his, “life as an action man to become an airy-fairy do-gooder.”

Levin has spent time with Harry, traveled with him and written Harry: A Biography of a Prince.” According to her Meghan, “has blossomed back in her native,” California but ghost Harry, “has become a shadow of the prince I once knew.”

“Of course, he would not be the first man to be besotted with a beautiful woman with a different agenda that he then meekly adopts as his own,” Levin wrote, insisting Harry “seems to accept being second to Meghan.”

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Royal Family News: Prince Harry Should Listen To Angela Levin

Levin details the ways in which nu-Harry has changed, including the new accept he debuted on his December podcast to much ridicule. “Phrases such as ‘twenny twenny’ and ‘I wanna’ suggest his ‘Californication’ is well under way.”

“He and the Duchess also repeat, several times, a favourite phrase of theirs: ‘Love wins.’ I don’t think many senior members of the Royal family have felt much of that love over the past 12 months.”

Royal Family News: Angela Levin Knows Prince Harry Is A Sell-Out?

She also skewers him for putting profit above all else in 2020, a year that saw the world decimated by the coronavirus pandemic, with his own father and brother stricken down. “The couple’s endless announcements about clinching one money-raising deal after another … could be seen as insensitive at a time when hundreds of thousands of livelihoods were lost,” she wrote.

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Apparently the vast Sussex PR team spread across two continents did not immediately reply to requests for comment.

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