Royal Family News: Prince Harry Can’t Keep His Multiple Stories Straight Anymore

British royal family news spills that Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex has been talking all over town, trashing his family and spilling intimate details about matters most keep private. All of that talk has been lapped up by his fans and duly scrutinized by those a bit more impartial.

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Prince Harry’s various versions of what he calls “truth bombs” have changed over time. Let’s take a look at just one line of blabber that Harry has spun differently to different people at different times.

Prince Harry Is Talking Like a Boss

BuzzFeed News called Harry a, “revisionist historian, contradicting past statements he’s made about his mental health issues and the support — or lack thereof — he received from the royal family. The picture he paints is that of an uncaring institution ignoring his cries for help, of a man suffering in silence until Meghan Markle came into his life. But his past statements and what he’s saying now don’t always line up.”

Let’s take his recent claims on an Oprah Winfrey interview in March, on a podcast on May 13, and in The Me, You Can’t See the documentary, “that nobody in his family had encouraged him to seek help for his mental health or to speak about the issue openly, especially relating to the death of his mother, Princess Diana.”

Is Harry A Hypocrite?

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In May 2016 Harry, Prince William, and Kate Middleton launched the #HeadsTogether campaign with a goal to, “end stigma around mental health” and “change the national conversation on mental wellbeing … the three of us want to come up with practical ways of providing everyone who needs help with the right support and care.”

That doesn’t sound like he was silenced by anyone, just the opposite.

And, on April 16, 2017, “Harry spoke even more openly about his mental health issues, revealing in an episode of the Telegraph podcast Bryony Gordon’s Mad World that he’d sought professional treatment.”

He said, “I can safely say that losing my [mother] at the age of 12, and therefore shutting down all of my emotions for the last 20 years, has had a quite serious effect on not only my personal life but my work as well. I have probably been very close to a complete breakdown on numerous occasions when all sorts of grief and sort of lies and misconceptions and everything are coming to you from every angle.”

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Why Is Harry Contradicting Himself?

These statements plus Harry’s talk of his therapy contradict his, “claim that his wife was the person who encouraged him to seek treatment for his mental health — even though he has long credited William for making him realize that he needed to confront his emotions about the traumatic death of their mother.”

Plus, Harry stated that it was William who was the driving force behind his decision to begin treatment for his mental health, “In the 2017 Telegraph podcast interview, Harry told Gordon, “It was only three years ago, funny enough, from the support around, and my brother and other people saying, ‘You really need to deal with this. It’s not normal to think that nothing has affected you.’”

Should anyone take Harry at his word, or with a boulder of salt?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Meghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Guest

    Harry has told so many lies, that it appears he cannot tell the difference anymore. Nut-Meg has him so messed up, it's pathetic. This man is seriously in need of the "proper" kind of help, and he seriously needs to get away from his wife. Nut-Meg and her mother are a poisonous, dangerous pair, and they have a lot of influence and control over Harry. Harry is their number one "meal ticket"!!! How on earth did it ever get to this…..Harry has been so badly "taken-in" by these total "operators"….and it's all about money… very sad.

  • Guest

    Can't we all stop just ONE DAY without hearing about you and the witch!! We hear more about you now, then we did when you were being crazy! GO AWAY and stay in your house so that we can have a break.

  • Jezz

    The world had such high hopes for this fairytale couple. It's so sad they both decided to turn to lies and tedious performances. I wish them no harm, I just wish they would just live the private life the said they wanted and focus on healing. People are getting so tired of their drama.

  • Park Avenue

    Well, although I agree with you, that "Private Live" story was yet ANOTHER lie.
    They never intended to live under a cover of "Privacy "

  • Park Avenue

    The latest rumor swirling around is SHE ditched her Mother, too. This is a recent development, just a few hours/day old

  • Gloria Trelles

    Totally nuts!!!

  • Guest

    Harry is in need of real help. Change doesn't happen over night it's a process and right now his process is trashing his family. That doesn't sound like healing that sounds like he's in the middle of his unresolved anger.

  • Guest

    This is all about the unholy dollar/pound! Harry's "truthless bombs" are about making money! He has trashed his family and would trash the world if it paid enough money! Feigning mental illness is his gig and he hasn't yet but will come to realize "words and actions have consequences"! He has birthed a monster which will bite him in the rear end and he is going to become a lonely man…..alone to consider….. no amount of wealth is worth what he has done. He and MeAgain are two peas in a pod! Pathetic, nasty, narcissists, unintelligent, liars, who had better stick together because, each other is all they have! I am sorry for their children. They will be the two best dressed, with the most toys, and the most unhappy, maladjusted wee ones on the planet! How could they be otherwise with H&M for parents! AND, the kids had better be careful ot M&H might dispose of them as they have done with everyone else in their lives.

  • Guest

    All their lies are hard to keep straight because they are not true