Royal Family News: Prince Harry Claimed He Was Raised In A “Zoo” And The Royals Aren’t Having It

British royal family news divulges that Prince Harry couldn’t keep his lip zipped in his latest interview and had a jolly time ripping his family (again) for their perceived shortcomings.

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The Duke of Sussex appeared on Dax Shepard’s Armchair Expert podcast and now royal expert Katie Nicholl is giving her take about how the royal family must have felt about Harry trashing them in public once again.

Royal Family News – Why Does Prince Harry Trash His Family in Public?

Harry claimed that life as a member of the royal family was, “a mix between The Truman Show,” a film about a man whose life is a reality show, “and being in a zoo.”

Nicholl told ET that Harry just threw more fuel on the fire rather than trying to mend fences with his brother, Prince William, and father, Prince Charles.

“I think the problem with the podcast and the things Harry has said — particularly about the institution, feeling like he was in The Truman Show, feeling like he was in a zoo — it has echoes of what he said on Oprah, that he, and his brother, and his father feel trapped by the institution,” she said. “It may be how Harry feels, but I don’t think it’s how William and Charles feel.”

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Royal Family News – Prince Harry Can’t Speak For His Family

Harry also babbled in a woke talk that he is the victim of “genetic” suffering. According to him, “There’s no blame. I don’t think we should be pointing the finger or blaming anybody. But certainly when it comes to parenting, if I’ve experienced some form of pain or suffering because of the pain or suffering that perhaps my father or my parents had suffered, I’m going to make sure that I break that cycle so that I don’t pass it on,” he said. “There’s a lot of genetic pain and suffering that gets passed on anyway. We as parents should be doing the most we can to try and say, ‘You know what? That happened to me. I’m going to make sure that doesn’t happen to you.'”

Nicholl said that Harry’s criticism of Charles was not received well by the family or the U.K. in general.

Royal Family News – One Royal Watcher Disapproves of Harry’s Trash Talk

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She added, “Prince Harry prefaced what he said with saying that he wasn’t trying to point the finger. He didn’t want this to be reduced to a blame game, but his comments are quite personal,” Nicholl says. “He talks about a cycle of pain, he talks about genetic pain. The interpretation of that is that he wanted to break that cycle of pain that he recognized within his own family relationships.”

“It does seem that this is yet another example of Prince Harry criticizing the royal family, in particular his father, who of course came under some fire in that Oprah interview.”

Nicholl pointed out, “When Prince Charles was asked if he was aware of his son’s podcast today on an engagement, he pointedly refused to answer.”

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  • Guest

    Harry….you are showing all the signs of Nut-Meg and her NPD getting behind you and egging you on….in case you didn't know Harry, for all your mental health speak, this is what narcissists do…..they keep on, and keep on, and keep on, until they finally get their victims to retaliate in some way, and then "they" play victim, and try to make it seem like the ones who retaliated are crazy. We are all sick of you and Nut-Meg…..we've had it up to the eyeballs with you two shameless brats selling your family to the highest bidder and preaching to us about how we should live…..laughing all the way to the bank you may be, but people are laughing "at" you, not "with" you. What a despicable way to earn a living. Tell me… you bank the proceeds in your "blood money" account???? It's time to remove your titles…you don't deserve any Royal title. You are an extreme embarrassment to your family and to your country.

  • Jezz

    Harry clearly needs mental help. He should definitely NOT be lecturing to vulnerable people on mental health in his condition. Clearly he can't even be responsible for his own healthy mental state of mind, because this constant publically bashing family as he is consistently doing is not the actions of someone who has their mental health in order. This babbling talk about zoo's, family likeness to shows and blame of family, instead of healthily concentrating on his own mental issues is very concerning. Harry needs to learn you can't change the past or other people's actions, he can only be responsible for his own. If he was as healthy and clued up as would like us to believe he is, we would be seeing a happy, healthy man letting go of the past and things he cannot change and focusing on his new life with his children. How would he feel if Archie one day turnaround and start publically bashing him for how he has chosen to keep Archie from growing up with his relatives. Parents do the best they can and generational and the family status is not something we can easily get to choose. Charles was born a future King, he could have been born into poverty. I don't think Harry should keep faulting his family for who they are. Harry likes to think himself as charitable but I'm not buying it. If he really cared about the poor he would be more grateful for the privilege he was born into and realize his constant self-pity is an insult to genuinely poor and struggling people.

  • Guest

    From everything I’ve read Phillip was mean to Charles and didn’t have time for him. Charles was the same with his boys, he only had time for his mistresses that ruined his marriage,

  • Guest

    I agree, something has got to be done, maybe no more money, let them pay for their mansion theirs elf. I am sick of it.

  • Guest

    Great reply!

  • Guest

    Harry and Megan both should be grateful for the life they have and not whining about it all the time.

  • Jezz

    Many of us have been brought up by parents and families that have generational, religious and yes even different morality values but we are sensible enough to know that's our parents generation and life choices, and fortunately not ours. What good is is doing Harry holding on to what his father or mother did or didn't do, nothing because we can't change the past. Did Diana make a good choice courting the same kind of media drama Harry is, NO, but what good does it do, it won't bring her back. Harry can't change the past but he can the future and he could start by either letting go of antagonistic actions fueling drama with his family if he feels he cannot mend relationships or taking steps to improve connection's with family which again means stop with the malicious comments towards family. Some parents might lacking but they gave us life, a life to make our own better choices. Two wrongs don't make a right Charles being a bad father doesn't excuse the fact Harry did a malicious interview about family with a sock and dying relative in hospital. It says to me Harry is so bent on spite he doesn't care who gets hurt. He hasn't just hurt Charles he's hurt his entire family and himself.

  • Guest

    it's obvious that Meghan is behind this–she has such a dysfunctional family and cannot stand that Harry has a real family, even if they are the royal family. She is SO woke and wants to destroy the Royal Family and anything else that has history. She's pathetic, but he's worse because he's let her brainwash him and control what he's allowed to think–he really does need mental health counseling.

  • Guest

    I agree with you. Right now Harry is not mentally stable enough to be raising children. He is and will continue to make mistakes just like all parents do. They have help with taking care of their child every day so he needs to shut up and start taking a good long look at the man in his mirror and start acting like a adult man instead of a whiny kid. He is insulting.

  • Guest

    Harry and Meghan most definitely need to loose their titles. They are a disgrace. They are pathetic and Harry is not going to make it America bashing our First Amendment! Oh and Harry could not even help his wife when she was having her mental health issues, and he is openly bashing his own family to the highest bidder and he is going to help others? What a joke. And they want privacy? Meghan only wants attention attention attention. This is how narcissists act! Go back to your poor life in England

  • Guest

    I think Harry is just stating the reality of his situation. He hasn’t said, “x” was horribly abusive to me. I was with someone on day enjoying a public event, they were not famous but locally well known. It was frustrating, and ridiculous how manny times we were interrupted and could enjoy what was occurring. I thought about how much worse it would have been if they were really famous. You can’t just be normal at anytime publically. Everything you do is filmed, on photo and critiqued. You’re watched or observed (like in a zoo). I empathize with them.