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Royal Family News: Prince Harry Demands Equal Rights To Disgraced Prince Andrew

Royal Family News: Prince Harry Demands Equal Rights To Disgraced Andrew, Does He Deserve Them?British royal family news shows that royal experts are debating the hot topic surrounding security for royal family members in light of Prince Harry’s legal battle for U.K. police protection. The sticking point is this: why is disgraced Prince Andrew allowed to keep his taxpayer-funded security?

The Telegraph reports that the U.K.’s Executive Committee for the Protection of Royalty and Public Figures is responsible for security decisions as regards the royal family. They have decided Andrew the Duke of York is entitled to taxpayer funded police protection while Harry, who lives in America, is not. Harry thinks he is equal to his uncle in this regard and is suing in order to be publicly recognized as Andrew’s equal.

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According to IBT, “Prince Andrew’s security is reportedly estimated to cost between $600,000 and $3.6 million annually … He has not been seen at a royal event since March, when he escorted Queen Elizabeth at a service of thanksgiving held in honor of the monarch’s late husband Prince Philip.”

At least one royal watcher thinks that Prince Harry is definitely Andrew’s equal. Christina Garibaldi, a co-host of Us Weekly’s “Royally Us” podcast, believes it is not “fair” for Andrew to receive 24/7 police protection, while Harry does not.

Her co-host Christine Ross chimed in to call the protection decision “weird.”

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Ross said, “It’s just a very strange decision for this committee to make, if they have indeed made this decision. I mean, it just raises more questions, and with Andrew keeping his ties to the royal family, you just want to say, ‘Why, why, why?'”

The protection committee did not indicate if Queen Elizabeth was involved in the decision but the host noted that Andrew has long been considered the 96-year-old monarch’s favorite child.

Garibaldi asserted, “But it is kind of a double standard in some way because why should he receive this protection and Harry not?”

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In a column for Yahoo News Omid Scobie, Meghan Markle’s “soulmate” practically hyperventilated on the subject: “It seems cruel in the extreme to allow Prince Andrew round-the-clock police protection but not the future King’s son.”

Now tell us what you think royal fans, who is right and who is wrong?

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Editorial credit: Mr Pics /

  1. joann shrader says

    It might be because Prince Andrew is the Queens son and hasn’t been bad mouthing every one and Prince Markle is just the grandson , and has been bad mouthing every one and doesn’t even want to be a member of the family

  2. Debby says

    NETHER of them should have paid 24/7 tax-paid police protection.

  3. Brenda says

    Seems like Carrot Top wants all the money and privileges without any of the responsibilities that go with it. Which, to no surprise, is probably due to MeMe pushing all of his buttons.

  4. LC says

    I agree that neither should have it. Hey Harry you stepped down and moved out of your country. You want security move back because we really don’t want you here.

  5. Dianne says

    Neither deserve protection. Andrew has disgraced the entire monarchy and Harry is no longer a part of the firm.

  6. Jezz says

    Harry’s biggest threat is to himself. Any sensible loving wife could see that and try to persuade him on a better course, less confrontational, less volatile, less antagonistic and more genuinely focused on self improvement and healing then might just find the peace and happiness he has said he is looking for. Meghan isn’t responsible for Harry’s words and actions he is a grown man but a good partner should want whats best for their partner and try to help steer them towards a better more fulfilling life not stand by and watch with an arrogant smirk as he tears his life life apart with reckless actions and accusations.

  7. Kathy says

    Harry & Meghan dislike the RF for different reasons; he for how they treated his mother, and questioned his parentage; she as an extension of her father’s jealousy, or envy of them. Didn’t Meghan’s father tell Harry that Meghan would ruin his life? Well, she has..

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