Royal Family News: Prince Harry Did Prince Charles Dirty In Interview Just Like Princess Diana Did 25 Years Ago

British royal family news divulges that the UK Royal Family has not officially commented on the controversial and incendiary interview Prince Harry, Duke Of Sussex and Meghan Markle gave Oprah Winfrey on Sunday. During the no-holds-barred cry fest the couple made several astonishing and negative claims about his family.

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One of the most surprising things that Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex said was that he has a strained relationship with his father Prince Charles who he indicated started ignoring him after he dropped his destructive Megxit bomb.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Has Had His Say

According to Vanity Fair Harry emailed his father in an attempt to explain why in the world he and Meghan would air the family’s private, internal issues to the whole wide world. Is there such justification?

According to the report, Charles, the Prince of Wales, was in “a state of despair” over the prospect of what could transpire as he had no idea or forewarning of the CBS bombshells to be dropped.

Royal Family News – Prince Charles Has Not Had His Say

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It is one thing to bring up beef with family members in private, an entirely different thing to do so with the entire world. Why would the couple do this? They have yet to explain themselves, and have made no indication that they attempted to talk to the family about their concerns at any point in time.

At least the family knew the name calling and finger pointing sesh was coming up.

But, according to reports, the couple refused to inform the family of what would be said about them, what they would be accused of.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Is Not Aware Of American Customs?

Being British Harry may not know that in the US even the lowest, most depraved criminals have a fair trial and know what they are being charged with going in; Meghan is a native, what is her excuse?

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And yet the couple denied his family their basic right to know the multiple sordid things they would allege to the nation were done to them, at the same giving the family no recourse to defend themselves.

Perhaps the biggest winner in the long term from the kangaroo court presided over by Oprah was the talk meister herself. She got huge ratings with her salacious tell all. Perhaps the biggest loser was Prince Charles. His reputation took a long time to build back after his late wife Princess Diana’s 1995 interview and now his son has done the same to him.

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Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    What was the reason they felt the need to air their dirty laundry to millions of people? and I thought they wanted privacy . Also why haven’t we seen Archies face while he’s growing up?

  • KingSchlipp3

    KingSchlipp In my opinion I think Meghan married Harry not just for love but to be a royal. She found out it wasn't like a story book so she wanted out. to have her old life back. I feel Harry was blindsided by a lot of things. Meghan Markel is out for herself no matter who it hurt. I am Caucasian and she looks the same. I am ashamed of her behavior toward Harry's family. I don't think she has any intention for the Royal Family to get to see their great grandchildren grow up. It's sad what Prince Harry lost, the Honorary Military Titles. He earned those Honorary Titles. And now they are gone with their decision to leave the UK. As for his Grandfather, Prince Harry should go and take his son with him. It may be the last time he sees his Grandfather alive because of his age. If Harry doesn't and something does happen, he will have to live with that the rest of his life. it is more important to see a person while alive than in death. Back to Meghan, I thought she wanted privacy from the British Tabloids. She hasn't done a very good job of that. If she would stop suing everyone that says something about her she might get the privacy she wants. You can't stop people from saying bad things about her whether she likes it or not. Not unless you are suing people for slander or something else just to make money from it. That sure doesn't show that you are mature enough to handle it. It's time to grow up.

  • Guest

    They want/need money and this proves they will do anything to get it plus Oprah hasn't seen her name on tv recently and she has the money to buy her publicity

  • Guest

    Well said! She has proven she doesn't want privacy

  • KingSchlipp3

    Thank you for agreeing with me. I could of said a lot more but it stopped me there.

  • KingSchlipp3

    You hit it right on the nose. Meghan Markel wears the pants in this family. She has Harry right where she wants him. She has him wrapped right around her finger. Why is it we don't see current pictures of Archie? All they show is old pictures of them while they were in the UK and one picture of Archie with Meghan.

  • Jezz

    This news is getting older by the day. Of course the media (which do you know Harry and Megan hate) will try to keep it on the boil for as long as possible and it's their job, I understand that. However once it's done as long as the Royals now keep Harry and Megan out of their business and away from their events what can they bitch about (other than we didn't get an invite). No fuel for their fire means no one is interested and we can all focus on real life problems and issues like covid, genuine people's needs and struggles and better racial relationships, the list is endless of more important global needs than two self-pitying, self-serving millionaire's in California.