Royal Family News: Prince Harry Escaped Being A Royal Prisoner Thanks To Meghan

British royal family news shows that there was a time when Meghan Markle was known for her ‘Markle Sparkle’ not as ‘Princess Pinocchio.’ It’s been a sea change since she first found herself on the international stage, and now one royal expert is opining about what could have been.

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Royal Family News – Meghan Could Have Been Someone

According to royal expert Andrew Morton, and in the immortal words of Brando, Meghan, ‘coulda been someone.’ But alas, she and Harry were so eager to make a buck that they threw the monarchy, and its huge influential platform, aside.

Morton told The Mirror’s podcast, “Pod Save the Queen,” that the former cable actress might have had what it takes to make a real difference if not for the couple’s savage move two years ago, a mind-blowingly egotistical debacle known as Megxit.

He said, “The great tragedy, I think, is that Meghan and Harry didn’t give it long enough to see whether they could give it a go. They were on the out almost before the wedding music had finished. Meghan is a natural — I’ve got pictures of her when she was age 10 leading a march against the first Gulf War at her school. The local TV cameras turned up and she was there giving interviews.”

Royal Family News – Meghan Did Megxit

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He added, “She spoke at the United Nations with Hillary Clinton. She had the great possibility of using her talent and her position to make a genuine change to the world. I don’t think she’s going to make such a change living in Montecito.”

She’s also not going to be a positive force for change by savaging her in-laws on Oprah or acting like a dense puppet on The Ellen Show. She’s also not going to curry favor by turning up at school massacre memorials in jeans and t-shirt for cheap photo ops.

Royal Family News – Meghan Could Have Made A Difference

Why did Harry and Meghan shoot themselves in the foot by fleeing his family for a life on the polo fields in Cali? Morton says, “They were thinking about living in New Zealand and they even spoke to the Prime Minister of New Zealand about this — so they had all kinds of plots and thoughts for their future. It didn’t work out because when it actually comes down to it, Prince Harry is cursed with charisma but hates being a prince, and I think that he saw Meghan as a way out. They didn’t have to leave the royal family in the way that they did, but they did.”

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Since moving to California, the bougie Sussexes have done very little of note. Adding insult to injury, Meghan’s carton project with Netflix was recently cancelled before it even got started. Sort of like the Sussexes.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    If Harry does not want to be a royal any longer, if his family was so terrible to the witch he is married to then why do you keep asking for money? You sold your soul to the devil Meghan, now your live with this family dividing witch. Make your own way in life, quit sucking on daddy's boob for money. She won't speak to her family and she sure does not like you speaking to yours. Plus she produces ugly babies.

  • Guest

    Harry grow up! Consequences for your actions and choices in life! You chose to disown your family heritage and responsibilities…even if Markle convinced you. Jeez your a frickin adult.

  • Guest

    Too bad if he isn’t. HE made those choices and now needs to grow up, stop the whining and complaining and start earning an honest living. Harry wanted to live a supposed private life but even seems incapable of doing that. Wanted to be financially independent but continues to expect others to pay his bills for him.
    He made his bed……oh well!!!

  • Guest

    No . Not at seems like when his wife said jump he said how high

  • Robbin

    They have a lot of things going on in the US of A, which is financially supporting them. They are not using anyone's money but their own. Keep listening to the dam tabloids. That's why he left, before the same thing that happened with his mom reared it's ugly head again. When hate is Dowled out in a underhand way coincidence occurs. Whether you want to see them or not. Take off your blinders.

  • Robbin

    No Girl you got it wrong, She said Run, Run fast and furiously. Before you end up like your mom.

  • Robbin

    Yes, very happy and comfortable. Praise the lord.

  • Guest

    Boy, it never fails to surprise me how sites like yours twist it to try and get the American public to believe shite that they have done. I hope he’s not happy with megs, he deserves everything bad that happens to them both.

  • Robbin

    Brits, Brits, Brits, make a difference for whom. The dam monarchy. Who stuck a knife in his heart first. Walk behind a casket, interact keep face with the woman that caused that anguish, always key a stiff upper lip. While the world keeps watch. And everyone has their opinion. How in the hell could she be anything with the sabotaging, racism, and the blatant disrespect being handed out at every turn. And you have these so called experts Dowling out false narratives. Where were they when his mom was battling the same inner turmoil. She was the cray one. But Charles and Camilla where doing exactly what she stated and she said that her life would be ended for speaking out. Coincidence? Well Harry and Megan may it out so that jealousy can rear its ugly head without them being the blame. If the people response to Harry or William why should that be an issue on who is most popular, if they respond to Kate or Megan would that no be good either way. No one has to shine brighter then the next it all for the benefit of the monarchy. Unless you have outside agendas pushing false narratives which benefit who but the pusher and their followers. Harry's not the bad guy. He just wants a comfortable life in which you brits won't give him.

  • Park Avenue

    Hummm. Looks familiar to me…. Why?

  • Park Avenue

    Perhaps they need some material for cards, Instagram, websites, etc… Like this