Royal Family News: Prince Harry FAILS AGAIN, Rumored Memoir Dead?

British royal family news reveals what will come as a shock to no one: Prince Harry’s “wholly honest” tell-all memoir has disappeared. Vanished, into thin air. Wait, only ACTUAL things can vanish, Harry’s work ethic is nonexistent so scratch that.

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Last year Harry bragged about writing a life-altering book, it was due this fall, but did anyone think Harry would actually put forth the effort to do anything resembling exertion? Sweating on his polo horse doesn’t count.

According to the Daily Mail, the non-existent memoir of the nincompoop prince, “may be delayed until next year after it failed to appear on a list of upcoming book release.” And tomorrow the sun also rises.

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It’s shocking (not): “Sources suggested that the omission of the Duke’s ‘heartfelt’ book from the latest Penguin Random House listings meant that it might not be published this autumn, as previously expected.”

As such the tome’s MIA status is said to have raised eyebrows in royal circles, the same tight circle in which the queen was rumored to have “lawyered up” after hearing Prince Harry was dropping a bombshell book.

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An inside source told The Sun on Sunday of Harry’s pathetic ambition: “If this book’s coming out this year as originally planned it should be in the publisher’s marketing and promotional list — unless they’re planning a surprise or there’s been a delay.” How about this—surprise there’s been a delay.

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The insider spilled, “Its omission has raised lots of eyebrows in royal circles.” Way back in May rumors circulated that sad sack Harry and his apparent dud ghostwriter J.R. Moehringer had failed to produce what they promised. That should look good on J.R.’s resume: “latest Markle-associated casualty.”

So what does this all mean? The outlet reports that, “either the book will have a surprise release – or it won’t be on shelves in 2022.”

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In 2021 both Harry and publisher Penguin Random House made a huge production out of their famed collaboration with “the novelist” J.R. Moehringer. This should teach J.R. not to wade into reality show affairs.

In fact puffed up Harry swaggered that he was writing the fake book, “not as the prince I was born but as the man I have become.” Apparently his manhood is lacking.

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Editorial credit: lev radin /

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  • J

    Memoir of What? He is like not even 40 yet.