Royal Family News: Prince Harry “Hates” The UK, King Charles Told To Delete Him

British royal family news shows that today there’s one fewer person in Prince Harry’s fan camp, his own biographer. No, not the ghostwriter responsible for Spare, it’s OG Angela Levin who back in the day wrote Harry: A Biography of a Prince for which she was granted backstage access.

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Levin told Dan Wootton on GB News that Harry the Duke of Sussex is not worthy of his family’s regard, nor his royal status, after his latest verbal blunder.

That low point came last week during his testimony in the hacking case against Mirror Group Newspapers. Harry is one of several litigants in the case which was held at the High Court in London.

Royal Family News – Harry Is Unworthy

Levin went so far as to say that she hopes King Charles “will take action now after the court case because I was incandescent when I heard that Harry had said that the United Kingdom now, because of the press and because of the government, was on rock bottom.”

This is not the first time Harry has blamed the world for his problems, with Spare being a prime example of his tart mouth.

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Royal Family News – King Charles Should Kick Out Traitor Harry

Wootton agreed that Harry’s words were “the lowest of the low.” After the latest round of verbosity against the crown and his family, Levin thinks that Charles has finally had enough of Harry who is fifth in the line of succession.

She said “King Charles has been able to hold the gustiness that his son has thrown at him because it’s just him. You know, it’s been awful for him about Camilla and William and all those, but he’s been able to hold it. But I’m sure that he won’t allow Harry to carry on like that in the country. You can’t be part of the royal family and hate the country. You just can’t. And I think that’s quite enough to remove him on the line of succession just out.”

Royal Family News – Prince Harry’s Dilemma

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It’s hard to imagine Harry ever having the opportunity to be monarch, after all he is the spare, and his brother Prince William is the heir. Still, according to Levin, one can’t be too careful and she does not like the idea of Dirty Traitor Harry still being able to “stand in for the King if it should be necessary.”

There is a royal rule that disallows the monarch and their heir from flying together just in case tragedy strikes. As Levin notes “Fortunately, the King has Prince [William], his son, and Prince Edward to be there if he’s not there, so that makes it more unlikely that Harry will. But you never know what can happen if they’re away in different countries.” What do you think royal fans, would Harry becoming king be a disaster or the miracle that turns his life around?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Editorial credit: LINGTREN.COM /

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonKing CharlesMegexitMeghan MarklePrince and Princess Of WalesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Alice

    No harry should never be king he hates his country he hates the king I think Harry should be disowned from the Royal family. Hate and Megan has cost enough problems for everybody and this is the 3rd time. He has says he hates his country so he came back to the UK. They would not accept him cause they know that he has said he hates. And hates the king and I think the king should take his title and his wife’s and children titles away cause. It’s already been approved that Archie does not belong to Prince. Harry wait until you see the results on. Little bit

  • Diana

    I disagree, it is his birthright to be King in line. He’s not the only bad seed in the Kingdom, they hide it, where as he talks about it. They’ve all done things that aren’t Royal. I will never understand how the Royals shut them out , and the media is the worse. We don’t have it so bad in America .I understand why Diana was so happy to get away. They harassed her the same way, this is why she was killed by the media and Paparazi. Everyone needs to make up, King Charles needs to spend time with his American grandchildren. This is not family !

  • Karen Beach

    I missed the DNA test that Harry and Archie took.
    When was this, and you were there? Where was it performed? Harry should have his name removed from the birth certificate, then, because that has to be done. It’s called a disavowal of paternity. An attorney is needed.