Royal Family News: Prince Harry Is like Bridget Jones, ‘Addicted To Drama’

British royal family news shows that Harry and Meghan Markle are “addicted to drama” so sayeth one royal watcher. Tina Brown also thinks that Harry’s personality has done a 180 since meeting and marrying a game show hostess. Gone are his naked Vegas pool boy manners and in their place a strait jacketed bore who lectures under the influence of ignorance. Which is better? You decide.

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Tina has clearly decided which version of Harry is preferable saying that one day he will wake up to the living nightmare of being trapped in a, “Gwyneth Paltrow Goop,” world.

Royal Family News – Tina Brown Calls It

The royal biographer believes that Harry is living in a gilded cage, one inhabited by the likes of Paltrow’s much-mocked products: “vaginal steaming and £122,000 gold dumbbells.”

She told the Telegraph that on top of everything Harry and his wife Meghan are, “addicted to drama.”.

Worse, Harry has been, “completely and utterly taken over by Meghan and his whole personality has changed. I do question how it will end.”

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“[Maybe] he’ll wake up and realize he’s living in Goop and he has to get the hell out, go down the pub and see his friends.”

Royal Family News – Is Harry Addicted To Drama?

As soon as Harry and Meghan escaped the palace they did a tell-all Oprah interview and Tina noted these rarely end well: “It’s actually amazing how each time one of the royals does one of these big sit-down interviews, it’s a catastrophe. Every time it’s like a nuclear bomb. The Oprah interview was desperately damaging to any relationship that Harry could ever hope to have with his family.”

But wait, there’s more! Harry has announced he has a memoir coming out in autumn and royal experts predict it will be filled with more of his bizarre rants and childish claims.

According to Tina, “I think the memoir was actually more breath-taking than the interview. It was like, ‘What?’”

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Royal Family News – Harry Has A Memoir

Furthermore Tina thinks that the memoir will further divide brothers William and Harry: “I’m told there’s absolutely nothing going on between them at the moment.” She also said what many others have, that Harry will drag his father and his stepmother Camilla as well as William. For one thing, Harry is apparently still smarting from being a third wheel to William and Kate, reportedly feeling, “like Bridget Jones,” after William and Kate got married. Oh my.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Meghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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    Does EVERYTHING These
    Two Do Or Say Have To
    Be,Reported & Judged
    & Commentef On, They
    Weren't That Interesting
    In The UK, Why Walking
    Away From The Pomp
    & Muck Of The MONARCHY
    Are They So Interesting, I
    Every Move They Make
    & We Will Be Better Off.
    He May Have Been Born
    ROYAL, But They Walked
    Away From All That, Let
    Them Breath.