Royal Family News: Prince Harry Is ‘Thriving’ In LA After Ditching His Family

British royal family news shows that a source has quickly rebutted the scorching criticism from Prince Harry, Duke Of Sussex’s biographer Angela Levin by leaking buckets of positivity about the prince to Us Weekly.

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Hours after Levin pronounced the Fresh Prince of Montecito as a “woke” puppy trailing in the wake made by wife Meghan Markle, a source is combatting that image with gushing accounts of Harry’s “thriving.” He’s also been striving, too, as his 2020 signings with Spotify and Netflix attest to.

Royal Family News – A Source Speaks To Harry’s Happiness

The timing couldn’t be more coincidental to the fact that’s been almost one year to the day that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s dropped their Megxit stink bomb, shocking the world and his family with their audacious plan to exit the royal family for “financial freedom.”

According to the eager source Harry is absolutely giddy about his new life in America.

“Harry doesn’t have any regrets about leaving the royal family whatsoever and is really happy in Montecito,” the insider says. “He and Meghan are enjoying their new life in California — being a normal family and having the freedom to make their own decisions without anyone watching over them.”

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Likes Being Normal

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The source didn’t define “normal” but we’re pretty sure Harry and Meghan are living a far from normal life in their gated mansion, their security team watching over them. And, how many normal people have a retinue of PR staff in the US and the UK spinning positivity about them on a regular basis?

The couple wed in 2018 and soon after came to the realization that they could do much better for themselves, i.e., make a fortune, if they were far from his family who had done nothing but protect him since the day he was born.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Is Now Thriving In His Mansion

According to the source Harry, “has grown in confidence since the move. Harry isn’t looking back, although he does miss his friends at home.”

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Harry has plenty to keep him busy however, including his Archewell foundation, Spotify podcast, and Netflix production deal. There’s also word that he is behind on a project he was supposed to deliver to Oprah Winfrey, but what are friends for?

The insider summed up life for the Markle’s this way: “2020 was a huge game-changer for Harry and Meghan and it came with its ups and downs — the stress of announcing their departure from the royal family, moving three times, dealing with the pandemic, making huge business decisions, setting up Archewell, coming to terms with the miscarriage. It’s brought them closer together and made them a stronger couple.”

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