Royal Family News: Prince Harry Jealous Of William’s Kids And Fears He’s The Next “Prince Andrew”

British royal family news shows that Hollywood’s Prince of Fools, Harry Windsor, fears he has a shelf life. As in an expiration date on his appeal—whatever that is. According to one royal source the Fresh Prince has a “Prince Andrew complex.”

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What exactly does that decidedly unappetizing description mean? According to the expert, Harry has a fear of being eclipsed by the younger generation of royals. Memo to Harry: your 15 minutes is receding nearly as fast as your hairline.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Is Losing Some Things Over Time

Harry’s obsession with his shooting star is not ideal speculation. Going back at least five years he nattered on about being seen as “boring” as the public fascination with his brother William’s kids grew, according to the Times of London.

A source told the UK paper, “Harry has always been in such a rush to make an ‘impact,’ because he thinks he has a limited shelf life before the public want to hear more from George and his siblings.”

Poor Prince Harry Fears He Will Become Passe

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The friend said, “He worries that after that, he’ll turn into his uncle,” referring to disgraced Andrew, who is pretty much erased from the monarchy due to questions surrounding his association with the dead convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

Harry’s friend spilled to the Times that Harry’s fear mongering explains why he is driven to sell his brand to the highest bidder, throwing himself at any old podcast and TV gig. Oh, and his upcoming 2022 “memoir” due next year.

Royal Family News – Is Prince Harry Nearing His Expiration Date?

Five years ago gave an interview to Roya Nikkhah in which he boasted about using his, “privileged position,” for, “good stuff,” for, “as long as I can, or until I become boring, or until [Prince] George ends up becoming more interesting.”

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He added, “There’s nothing worse than going through a period in your life where you’re making a massive difference and then suddenly … you drop off. You want to make a difference but no one’s listening to you.”

Since then Harry has made a name for himself as an insufferable whiner, using his “privilege” to bag interviews with Oprah Winfrey in which he complains about his dad taking away his allowance and demanding that they apologize to his wife Meghan Markle. But, you’ve got to hand it to Harry, he is making the most of his 15 minutes.

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Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    Like sands through the hourglass…so is the stupidity of Harry. Yup 15 minutes are winding down.

  • Aspengirl

    Yep. Harry you & your wife sped through your reputation in the downward black hole. Your whimpering is barley heard at all. Your big deals may well take the same path, through that black hole…

  • Jezz

    And there it is in all its nasisist glory. Worried how long he can get and keep attention. Even worrying about his young nephew stealing the limelight! Grow up Harry and don't fool yourself about your attention seeking being able to do "good stuff", I haven't seen much evidence of that, more selfishly drawing attention to yourself and away from important global issues which really needs the world's focus and attention. You can't blame William and his family for focusing on their duties and others rather than themselves. William is setting little George a good example unlike the example you are setting for poor little Archie.

  • Guest

    Prince Harry is a self-absorbed whiner!!!

  • Guest

    Omg Tanya how do you come up with this stuff, lol! Journalism at its finest lmao.