Royal Family News: Prince Harry & Meghan Fly Solo, Expectations Aren’t Great

British royal family news reveals that Meghan Markle, who likes to be called the Duchess of Sussex, is said to be hard at work adapting one of the world’s greatest literary masterpieces.

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According to reports the calligrapher thinks she has what it takes to reimagine Charles Dickens’ novel, Great Expectations. This would be for Netflix, who last year cancelled her cartoon life story.

Royal expert Angela Levin does not have high expectations for this literary do-over. Keep reading to find out why she thinks the duchess is punching above her weight.

Royal Family News: Meghan Punching Above Her Weight

According to Levin, she does not think there is an audience for a repurposed “feminist adaptation of Great Expectations.”

Fans seem to verify this prediction with one commenting “what, can she not come up with something original? why does she have to take other people’s ideals, why does she need to ride on people’s success?”

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Royal Family News: Meghan Has Great Expectations

Levin notes that previous adaptations of the great novel have not been successful. She points to the original film made in 1946 in and thinks that Meghan’s new project, if it ever gets made, will suffer a similar fate.

Reports indicate she is tackling this project on her own, while her husband Prince Harry veers off into another direction entirely.

Royal Family News: Harry Veers Off

Harry expects to do his own solo project for Netflix, “following in the footsteps of his late mother Princess Diana” with a documentary in Africa.

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According to News Break, “He desires to bring attention to the people and animals of Africa, a place he considers his second home. Unfortunately, the Hollywood writer’s strike is currently preventing him from moving forward with his plans.” There’s always something, isn’t there?

Royal Family News: Meghan And Harry’s Solo Acts

Levin said “While Meghan focuses on her TV endeavor in the United States, her husband Prince Harry has different plans overseas.” Again, fans were underwhelmed, with one asking “Who’s taking care of the children,” and another commenting “But he is leaving the USA, that is great news.”

Will either former royal get these projects off the ground? It’s a fair question seeing as how Spotify dumped them last month for lack of content, producing just 13 podcasts in 2 ½ years. Tell us your expectations for the couple’s new career ventures royal fans!

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

King CharlesMeghan MarkleMeghan Markle NewsMeghan Markle's TitlePrince HarryPrince Harry newsQueen ElizabethRachel Meghan MarkleRoyals NewsThe Duchess of SussexThe Royals
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  • Debby

    They’re both non-working flops. All talk no product.

  • Jen

    Why are you interviewing Angela Levin about Harry and Meghan? She is a known troll and spews only vitriolic views of the couple who are spades above her in integrity, character, and net worth. Don’t worry about the couple. They will be billionaires because the world has an insatiable desire to know more about and talk about them. Every project they have completed has seen spectacular success. And that will continue.

  • Robyn

    They are only IMPORTANT in their own minds!!
    No one cares what they do or think!