Royal Family News: Prince Harry & Meghan Markle Can’t Survive Brutal South Park Roasting

British royal family news shows that if they had a plan to conquer the world, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry can’t even crack America. According to royal experts, these two Hollywood hoboes are in hot water after three straight years of wine and roses.

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Have American citizens rejected the couple’s non-charm offensive? It would seem so.

Royal Family News – Harry And Meghan Floundering

Remember, this is the man-child who claimed on American soil that the US Constitution is “bonkers.” Plus, they have both insinuated themselves into the political landscape, despite that being a traditional royal no-no.

As such the good people of the United States of America and her territories seem to have turned on what was in better days termed the Markle Sparkle. Now that sheen more resembles an environmentally diasterous oil slick.

Royal Family News – Harry And Meghan’s Brand Not Selling?

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UK popularity polls show the couple’s charm has plummeted in recent months, following their torrid Netflix reality show and Harry’s stale tattle tale memoir Spare which dropped last month. Meghan also has been seen as a toady fool after cringe stints on the Ellen show and palling around with has-been Gloria Allred.

It comes as no surprise then that Meghan and Harry’s popularity has dropped precipitously in the US as it has in the UK. How far has the apple fallen? According to GeoTV, “King Charles III’s younger son’s approval rating has dropped by three points in a month to -10 while his wife Meghan hit -17 in new poll after the couple were brutally mocked in South Park episode.”

Royal Family News – Harry And Meghan Unpopular In US

The California-based pair are so distasteful that they rank lower than disgraced Prince Andrew. According to a survey by Redfield & Wilton for Newsweek, conducted on February 19, “Harry has sunk 48 points and Meghan 40, giving them net approval ratings of -10 and -17 respectively.” Yikes. Not even the most desperate branding firm would touch that hot mess with a ten foot badger pole.

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Meghan and Harry’s latest roasting came at the hands of South Park, and since then the gloves are off. Actually one could say hands were off once Harry waxed poetic in Spare about his frostbit penis—but that’s a tale for another time—America’s had it up to here with the spare and his ex-basic cable actress wife—numbers don’t lie.
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Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonKing CharlesMegexitMeghan MarklePrince and Princess Of WalesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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