Royal Family News: Prince Harry’s Memoir Reveals True Feelings About Camilla?

British royal family news teases that Prince Harry’s circle are talking trash for him, cautioning that his upcoming bio will contain his true feelings toward his stepmother Camilla. Why bother? Harry was called out last week for being a hold out in congratulating her on earning the title Queen Consort, and he has given the sour milk away for free on untold occasions. Who is going to pay to buy a book full of the rantings of a pouty, unemployed man-child?

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Royal Family News – Will Harry Actually Produce?

The friends also warned that Prince Harry’s book could, “shake the monarchy to its core.’” But is there any no real worry about that as Harry has not delivered on any of his work promises? He and Meghan were recently embarrassed when Netflix and Spotify actually advertised for real workers to work on the projects they committed to doing but never got around to.

Still, the book could be different as it is being ghost written by JR Moehringer. In other words all Harry has to do is open his mouth, spew hot venom and voila, the real work is done for him. What is the book about? The “publishers describe it as, “the definitive account of the experiences, adventures, losses, and life lessons that have helped shape him.’”

It is expected that Harry the Duke of Sussex will spill all the tea on the family he ran away from in the £14.7million ($20million) memoir due sometime later this year.

Royal Family News – What Will Harry Actually Say?

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PageSix spilled the news last year that Prince Harry has been secretly scribbling away, planning a tell-all book to go with his tell-all verbal assaults. According to the Daily Mail, “The Queen, Prince Charles and Prince William are said to have been completely blindsided by Harry’s shock announcement that he has been secretly working on his as yet untitled memoirs for more than a year now.”

On Saturday his shameless “friends” told the Mirror, “If they think he’s gone soft, they are mistaken. Just wait for the book to come out because that will shake the monarchy to the core.”

What kind of reaction is that supposed to get? All it does is reaffirm the tackiness associated with Harry who never learned to make a bed until he was in the Army, the same man who complained bitterly to Oprah Winfrey that his dad cut his allowance after he was married and had a kid.

Royal Family News- Prince Harry Is Quite A Figure

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Harry’s unabated juvenile pettiness was slammed after the Queen stated last week that his stepmom Camilla would be Queen Consort. Harry’s response? To deliver a video from his millionaire couch about how he wants to follow in his late mother Diana’s footsteps. “Source close to the prince say his recent silence ‘speaks volumes’ and they allege Harry still shares a frosty relationship with his stepmother.”

Harry’s friends told the Mirror, “Although tensions have eased between the two of them over the years, it was more for a show of unity than a close relationship.”

“There were big problems at the start but as Harry and his brother William aged and matured, things got better and they can now co-exist as adults. They were never close with her and they still aren’t.” That is not likely to change now.

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Camilla Parker BowlesPrince HarryThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    Harry GO AWAY, somewhere! You aren't wanted here and you aren't wanted back that used to be home! You are a spoiled brat that wants everything handed to you on a silver platter but doesn't want to work for it!!! Your mother stood for values and worked tirelessly to help the people! She would be ashamed of what you have become and what you don't stand up for or fight for the good! I just loved her and what she believed in and worked hard to do, but you, I have nothing for!!! You come over here and get paid millions to do nothing and think your word means something!!! Get a life! Because what you say, do, are is nothing and means nothing but worthless!!! Same goes for your wife!!!