Royal Family News: Prince Harry Snubs Queen’s Decision On Queen Camilla?

British royal family news shows that Prince Harry has been called out for snubbing his stepmonster, erm, stepmother, Camilla the Duchess of Cornwall. Let’s unpack the latest brouhaha Harry finds himself in and whether the criticism is legit.

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Last weekend his grandmother Queen Elizabeth paid special attention to Camilla and gave her what amounts to the royal seal of approval after many years of Camilla being in the weeds with the public. The announcement was historic and yet there were crickets from Harry and his attention seeking wife Meghan Markle. What gives?

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Harry failed to acknowledge his grandmother’s words, perhaps this is a case of sour grapes? Her Majesty announced that when the time comes she wants Camilla to be called Queen Consort not Princess Consort. It may seem to be a minor distinction, but in the royal realm, titles are everything and this one is the ultimate title for a commoner married to a king.

For years after Charles and Camilla, his second wife, were married, the public viewed her as a home wrecker who did not deserve the title of queen anything. The tide has turned with her do-gooding ways and solid repping of the queen during royal events.

So it has been said that Harry, “seemingly defied her grandmother’s decision … as he paid special tribute to his late mother Princess Diana and remained silence on ‘Queen Camilla’ in new message,” according to Geo TV.

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Royal Family News – Will Harry Acknowledge Camilla?

Harry, the Duke of Sussex, opened his mouth again last week and as usual his message was not subtle nor well received. In one instance he told employers how to do their jobs and how to treat workers which posters noted was rich coming from a man who has never worked a day in his life.

And, in a video message he vowed to continue his mother Diana’s “unfinished” work to with raising HIV, awareness. But he did not spare a single word about Camilla.

Royal Family News – Will Harry Ever Congratulate Camilla?

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Neither Meghan nor Prince Harry have publicly congratulated his mother’s wife: “Fans and experts speculate Harry’s new statement and silence over ‘Queen Camilla’ show negative feelings.” C’mon Harry, be the bigger person and do the right thing—just as you lecture to everyone else. Or are there two sets of rules, one for you and one for everyone else?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesPrince HarryThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    Why all this cloak & dagger stuff.. Fadeing out the printed word.. Once again on another Royal family site, so ridiculous…

  • Guest

    I don't like Harry. I don't like anyone who would publicly slander their family, these matters should be kept private. However I would say I wouldn't be happy if Diana had been my mother. I wouldn't want to see one of the people responsible for my mother's unhappiness being rewarded literally with a crown, her title should be "Queen of Deceit". We all know the royals aren't perfect but to publicly honor such a person, what next Andrew as her Privy Counselor! I wouldn't bow to her, she's not someone I respect and no title in the world would make me. Charles should do the honorable thing and step aside, his relationship is proof he is not an honorable man and I wouldn't bow to him either.