Royal Family News: Prince Harry Still Refusing To Defend His Dad Prince Charles Against Netflix’s Lies

British royal family news reveals that today there could not be a bigger gap in fortunes for Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and his dad Prince Charles. The irony is that Harry has inside access to helping his destroyed dad but has refused to say a word.

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Prince Harry’s business partner Netflix is trashing his dad in their series, The Crown. The sensationalized show is so destructive that Harry has vowed to never allow himself to be portrayed but he appears to give zero cares about his family’s decimation at the show’s hands.

According to the latest YouGov poll, Prince Charles is facing a devastating loss of public support following the release of the latest season of The Crown. In the series he and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, have endured online bullying due to their portrayal in the hit Netflix drama.

The New Season of Netflix’s The Crown Stars Josh O’Connor And Emma Corrin As Charles and Princess Diana Respectively

The fourth season of Netflix’s series was released last month. Yet Harry has chosen to partner with Netflix in a million dollar payday despite the damage reportedly being done to his family via the streamer’s hit show. This season profiled Charles’ marriage to Princess Diana and his affair with Camilla Parker Bowles.

Many royal fans urged Prince Harry to reject his multi-million deal with the streaming giant based on how his family was being mercilessly dragged. So far he has not uttered one word to defend his family and no one seriously expects him to sacrifice his millions for the sake of his family.

Today Harry and his wife Meghan got a lot richer via a deal signed with Spotify. And yesterday Oprah Winfrey told the public to buy coffee that Meghan is selling, to the tune of at least another mill—ka-ching.

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Even Meghan’s Camp Had A Warning About The Crown Yet Harry And Meghan Remain Silent

Even Omid Scobie who wrote a glowing bio of the Markle’s has warned that the show poses a, “major risk” for Charles and Camilla.

Meghan’s cheerleader tweeted, “There are real concerns coming from the palace that the people watching season four of The Crown will take it for gospel. Prince Charles and Camilla are a couple who have spent decades trying to repair their image and just at the time when they are gaining popularity in the UK, that all faces major risk.”

Royal watcher Richard Fitzwilliams criticized the series saying it portrays Charles as, “selfish and insecure … self-pitying and brutal to Diana.”

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Charles’ popularity has dropped since the new season was released but Netflix has thus far refused to add a ‘fictional’ disclaimer before episodes.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family spoilers, news and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Guest

    l To continue what type of visa does he have that allows him to live, work, buy a house in this country when everyone has to jump through hoops to be here.? What did mrs markle pay out or do to keep him here, sounds very fishy that no one is questioning it where are all the bureaucrats why aren’t they looking into this, we know she has the British judge in her pocket to delay her trial hoping her father will pass away before being called as a witness, why are the so called friends no called something wrong with these picturesu

  • Guest

    He is one disgusting piece of shit both him and his third rate actress mistress, they knew exactly what they were doing and are probably feeding lines to Netflix. They would have gained nothing if it were not for their titles whoever heard of the suitcase broad on tv, was given a leg up by her now ex-husband who she then dumped when he was no more use to her. They both believe the world owes them so much adoration and get pissed and Sue everyone who doesn’t bow down to them, lowlifes the both of them to bad Americans don’t see that but that is only because they hate the British Royal family

  • Jezz

    Well his lack of love and loyalty will only fuel further speculation about who his father is. It appears the once lovable Harry suddenly has no loyalty or love for anyone other than Magan and who meets with her approval. Marriage looks like it just made him (an already rich and famous man) into ungrateful for his wealth and privilege and obsessed with obtaining more, more money and fame. Don't get me wrong I don't have a problem with people wanting fame or wealth. I just don't like people using the plight and struggles of others as nothing but an instrument to achieve it. Go do a business deal but don't trash your family to get it and most certainly don't use racism, poverty, fallen soldiers and women's agonies like miscarriages to get it. The problem I have is they are taking up space better qualified people should have to do genuinely charitable work.

  • Guest

    Except for Diana, Harry has always been treated like crap by his family. Why should he stand up for them now. They are getting a taste of their own medicine.