Royal Family News: Prince Harry STUNS By Offering Olive Branch To Queen Elizabeth!

Prince HarryRoyal family news teases that Prince Harry might defy predictions that he will never return to the United Kingdom. And in a gesture symbolizing an olive branch to Queen Elizabeth, the Duke of Sussex also hinted that his wife Meghan Markle might return with him. That peace offering shows a dramatic reversal in Harry’s previous rejection of his royal family roots. 

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Find out what the Duke’s unexpected new decision could mean for his future relationship with Queen Elizabeth. And learn what Harry’s olive branch also may indicate about the thawing of his cold war with the rest of the royal family. Plus: Could Harry one day substitute for the Queen? Get the royal answers below. 

Prince Harry Just Made Himself Available To Serve Queen Elizabeth! 

The Duke of Sussex’s olive branch came in the form of his decision to renew his lease on Frogmore Cottage. As a result, Prince Harry will now continue to deputize for Queen Elizabeth, per the Daily Mail. And that means that Harry has become available to serve the Queen as one of her four Counsellors of State.

But that olive branch in the form of the Duke’s cottage renewal does reveal some intriguing royal rules. For instance, Prince Harry currently resides with his wife Meghan Markle, their son Archie, and their daughter Lilibet in the United States. How can he serve the Queen from his California mansion?

As a result of Prince Harry’s previous Windsor address, the Duke of Sussex still qualifies as possessing a domicile in the U.K. And it also helps that Frogmore Cottage lies on Windsor Castle property. As for how Meghan feels about her husband’s olive branch? The Duke of Sussex reportedly consulted with his wife prior to agreeing to renew their lease, which would expire on March 31. 

Could Prince Harry Someday Step In For Queen Elizabeth?

As a result of Harry’s role serving as one of the Queen’s four Counsellors of State, the Duke of Sussex possibly even could take over some of her royal duties. But Harry does not rank first in line to do so. The Prince of Wales, the Duke of Cambridge, and the Duke of York all can fulfill Queen Elizabeth’s responsibilities if she cannot fulfill them. 

But royal family experts caution that Prince Andrew’s recent sexual assault scandal may impact the line of succession. Since the news broke, Andrew took a step back from any public duties. As a result, Harry’s new eligibility could become even more important. 

Queen Elizabeth has the power to request that Counsellors of State like Harry can perform specific types of duties. For instance, she might request that the Duke of Sussex attend Privy Council meetings or review and sign documents. But these individuals do not have the power to take on key tasks like choosing a new Prime Minister.

As for how that olive branch extended by Harry might play out, the Duke of Sussex has described the UK as his home. But he also emphasized that he feels endangered there due to insufficient security arrangements. As a result, Harry sued the UK Government over what he views as inadequate police protection. 

Tell us what you think about Prince Harry’s surprising decision. Do you predict that Harry and Meghan Markle will move back to the UK? And after you’ve shared your views, check back on our site for more royal family news!

Duchess of SussexDuke of SussexMeghan MarklePrince HarryQueen Elizabeth
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  • Guest

    I'm sorry for Harry as his wife is the queen an will really hurt him in the long run as she want her way or no way

  • Guest

    Good luck H! But you have purposely burnt SOOOOOOO many bridges…
    What a shame that you don't listen to the right people.

  • Guest

    Harry will never be happy . Nutmeg thinks she is a Queen instead of a TV actress has been. Harry is her "Yes dear". He has no say, she is the boss. Whay a life for Harry.

  • Guest

    I hope this olive branch works for both him and the Queen, after all she did help raise him.

  • Guest

    I would be very surprised if this article became a reality. After all of Harry's actions, behavior and especially the very deliberate Oprah attempt to damage the Queen and the monarchy I don't think he would be permitted to act now in any such royal capacity. His actions were tantamount to treason, he's lucky he got to renew the lease. He's a danger to the throne, especially Charles, the Queens not foolish, her monarchy comes first and her son Charles the future King. H&M though I would imagine are getting more desperate by the day if we can believe whats being said about their failure to deliver on some business deals. If true I bet they very much need to get back in the Queens spotlight at her celebration weather they genuinely want to be there or not.

  • Guest

    Do you know these people? Or are you just passing slanderous gossip about people who are total strangers to you?

  • Guest

    Harry is delusional. Accordingly he can't serve from USA. And he can be removed by parliament as Andrew can. He grasping at straws..and making a Suck-up fool of himself.