British Royal Family News says that it seems like the British public is more upset about Prince Harry and all of the allegations that he made in his book, Spare, than King Charles himself.
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While the King of England is yet to strip his son and his wife Meghan Markle from their titles, there are some people that believe the Duke of Sussex should lose his place in the line of succession.
He is currently fifth, behind his brother Prince William and his three children Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis. Here’s what you need to know.
Royal Family News – Prince Harry To Lose His Place In The Line Of Succession?
As many would expect, both royal critics and fans did sound off on the matter on social media. Some comments included, “Being a prince has caused him such life long trauma remove the titles remove him from LOS problem solved he can stay in California live a quiet peaceful life with his family after all that’s what they wanted right they’ve made their money said their peace now they need to shut up,” along with, “
Most definitely. Apart from his behaviour how could we have a monarch who has said he doesn’t like England, who lives permanently abroad & whose wife is openly scornful of our traditions & customs? He not only should be removed but must be.”
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Another critic wrote, “Yes. Any reconciliation will only further alienate the public. The Monarchy exists at the consent of the people and that consent can be withdrawn in a heartbeat. Public opinion cannot be easily ignored, the future of the Monarchy depends on it.”
Royal Family News – What’s Next For The Royal Family?
Clearly, the public has spoken and they’ve made it clear that Prince Harry has no place in the royal family – or in the line of succession for the throne for that matter. But it’s not like he has much of a chance of being king anyway, right?
Tell us British Royal Family fans, how do you feel about this story? Contribute to the buzz by dropping us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below. We’ll make sure to update you with all of the latest information about King Charles, Prince William, Kate Middleton and the rest of the firm right here.
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YES! Take them out of line of succession, they hate every thing English, why would they want to be king and queen, just to make english people miserable? And to destroy history?
The royals are just people that live hopeful full lives make mistake just like you and me and we should not judge them
Megan and Harry are just a part of the Royal family. Family is family their chances of becoming Queen and King is very unlikely but they don’t need to be cooked alive. They are HUMAN they have a right to share what they think about the way they grew up. They even acknowledge some mistakes they made. King Charles has made his share of mistakes so have Prin .ce William ,Camille ,Princess Kate. Being of Royal descent by birth or marriage is just their lives . I pray that soon they can learn to love and care for each other.
Oh please… Meghan and Harry are abominable!!
Megan and Harry are a embarrassment
King Charles in a way is worst than Harry.He was cheating on his wife )DIANA) with the ugly wife that he has now.She looks like an old dryer up witch.
Baloney… Harry is beyond the pale!!! That dumb spoiled brat should be hung by his heels !!!!!
A cow is more like it.
you call all he has done (all they have done) just a mistake??????? There were no mistakes, everything was planned to happen and it keeps on happening. Normally a mistake makes the person stop and realize they need to change something, and these 2 just keep going on and on. There was no mistake involved at all, other than Harry marrying her. THAT was the biggest mistake he ever made.
Kate holds the Royal existence? By all her children! With out Kate, William holds it all? Same as removing Diana, Kate is in the way? Please be careful Kate!
Exactly! Harry and Meghan should be banished from the Monarchy forever the way I see it.!!
The monarchy itself should be banished. Charles is no king. How can he be a good King if he can’t even be a good father? The monarchy is outdated. They need to live with rules that apply to now not 1750.
Prince Harry is so far down the line anyway, what difference does it make. Once Pronce George starts having children of his own, Prince Harry will be even farther down the line. Stop being petty. If you don’t like them, then leave them alone. Stop talking about them every chance you get. Forget about them and the world would be that much more peaceful.
Currently Prince George and his siblings are just spares too. None of us know how the Royal Successions will go. They are all family and need to be a pleasant part of of each other’s life. That is how our God set them up thank the Lord for his decisions and let the Royals work it out.
They dragged the Royal Family through the mud..
What a betrayal. !!!! Meghan and her push for 150 million dollars. Money upserping decency. Spoiled horrible Meghan Markle. Ugh!!! She makes people want to strangle her,!! She pushed and ruined two brothers closeness.. ALL FOR 150 million dollars..
They cause their own hatred from the public with their despicable behavior. What do you mean leave them alone ??? They need to stay out of the limelight !!!
Riff raff, riff raff. It’s good to be informed about what goes on in other parts of the world but this royal family news has gotten a little out of hand. I’m sure others agree. Will it ever end or are we going to be bound for months to come about people in living in the UK. I think it’s a bunch of drama and it needs to stop. Life is to short for all this foolishness. I hope they get it together and act like real royal people. I wonder how this will affect the royal children. “SAD”
@Angela Simmons…exactly right. If you don’t like them stop talking about it. Spare us all. Nobody asked you to read, speak or otherwise be present. If you cannot be pleasant, then say nothing! Kindness and forbearance is still a good thing. Try it!
They don’t deserve to be in the line of succession the way they have tried to destroy the royal family because they have to have temper tantrums because they can’t have their own way. Take thei titles and remove Harry from the line. They said they wanted privacy and to make their own way. Well they have made a lot of money and plastered their faces all over the media. SPOILED BRATS
What about The Royal Temper Tantrums of the past and probably will be more through the years of Father and Brother. Are you saying theirs are okay but Harry and Meghan don’t have the right. Oh brother (no pun intended) what a lot of ego they all have.
OMG. Harry and Meghan started all of this when they left England!!
I agree %
I think that after all their Royalty bashing, I don’t think that Harry & Meg should relinquish their Duke & Duchess titles as they no longer live in England and cannot represent the Sussex area. With Harry not wanting to be a Royal, Prince will always be his as he was born to it. The rest should be taken away, as well as his position in line for the throne.
I agree. Their titles should be taken away and let them live in California or whatever and most of all shut up. Never go back to England and just shut up. And does Meghan ever let go of Harry’s arm? She hangs on him like a clinging vine!!
they should both have their titles taken away. i am not english but still believe that they should not be allowed to keep their titles. all they have done is disapprove of the monarchy so they should not have anything from the monarchy.
I agree that Meghan and Harry should have any and all titles taken away. They stepped down and moved to California. They wanted to live on their own in the US and settled in CA. They have done so and continue to do so. However, constantly wanted to trash the monarch is childish, relentless, and needs to stop. They both need to mature. They need to work on earning money and make their own way in the world since they both stepped away from the royal life. If they don’t want anything to do with it, then perhaps the Monarchy needs to implement a gag order. They need to establish and build their reputation and move on in the US with their own work that has nothing to do with the royalty. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. Their ratings have already plummeted and will not rise no matter what they write against the royals and the monarchy. When you burn bridges, don’t expect for people to say it doesn’t matter because it definitely does matter. Charles and Camilla are now King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla, as well as William and Kater are now the Prince and Princess of Wales. Living in the royalty is definitely different than Meghan being an actress as there is a huge difference and there is nothing the same between the two. It is fact!
Take Meghan’s title away.
Take Harry’s title away. These rebels moved overseas and betrayed the Royal Family.. Their titles should have been removed awhile back !!!!
I agree 100%. I’m an American but cannot support these two whiners. I love the Royal family and as our closest ally also the British people as a whole. Admired greatly the late QE II. And am sorry for what one fellow American is doing to the RF and Great Britain. I can guarantee you the majority of the US don’t want them (esp) her here. Off to Africa with them if Africa will have them back!
Eliminate their stake and thereby nullify their ‘credential’.
I think people need to rethink getting Harry removed from the line of secession. I would have Prince Harry not Andrew! You would rather see a man who had sex with under age girl! Be careful what you wish for!
Quit saying Harry was born to the title prince. He was born the same as every other person. No one else gets some lofty title just because they have been physically born onto the earth. Other princes earn their titles by behaving like they are fit for human company and by doing such things as having common courtesy and telling the truth without throwing out sordid tales of his own behavior for attention. Most learn not to out their families or themselves and they can put their learning into practice. There are thousands of boys who act more like a prince that red-headed poodle Hairy does.He can use Harry Wales, but he does not act like a prince so take the title. If Duke title can be taken so can prince. He hasn’t acted in a way to deserve any title. Or any family. He is demanding his family apologize. Until he has enough mental aptitude to figure out that he is the one who needs to apologize, he should never be let inside a palace again. Soon he will be jobless because the only reason he has a job is because he was once a prince…the job that he supposedly has he has NO CREDENTIALS FOR. HE COULD BE SUED FOR DOLING OUT ADVICE THAT HE HAS NO TRAINING FOR.
Time to stand for something of honor, King Charles II.
Your son has, himself, worn his honor into the ground
and it should not be resurrected falsely. There are very little grounds in which to coddle his seriously spoiled, entitled place in the royal standing. A prince who cannot be expected to behave with decorum without the whining and throwing mud at his family should not be left to be a prince. He is a menace to her myself, his family and the country who supports him with their taxes. If he wants to be a spoiled brat, fine, but he should never get one red pence from his father, his family or the citizens of his country. In fact, the job of the family is now to prove that he will never be foisted onto the back of people bent over laboring to support their own families and pay their taxes. Common people train their children to obey and to have social manners and graces, and if they don’t live up to those expectations, they are not awarded the position of heads of the family just because they were born. You expect your subjects to behave and act a certain way…EXPECT IT OF YOUR SON, CHARLES! He should be crying tears of remorse for what he has done against you and his family. No family is perfect and there are children who have grown up in a lot less of a home than Harry has and turn out better.
Quit saying Harry was born to the title prince. He was born the same as every other person. No one else gets some lofty title just because they have been physically born onto the earth. Other princes earn their titles by behaving like they are fit for human company and by doing such things as having common courtesy and telling the truth without throwing out sordid tales of their own behavior to entertain the masses. Most learn not to out their families or themselves and they can put their learning into practice. Why can’t Harry? And let’s talk about the people he outed. Not just himself, but people who weren’t asked if they wanted to be dragged through his tale. There are thousands of boys who act more like a prince than the red-headed poodle Harry does. He can use Harry Wales. He does not act like a prince so take the title. If the duke title can be taken so can prince. He hasn’t acted in a way to deserve any title. Or any family. He is demanding his family apologize. Until he has enough mental aptitude to figure out that he is the one who needs to apologize, he should never be let inside a palace again. Soon he will be jobless because the only reason he has a job is because he was once a prince…the job that he supposedly has he has NO CREDENTIALS FOR. HE COULD BE SUED FOR DOLING OUT ADVICE WITH NO TRAINING.
Time to stand for something of honor, King Charles II.
Your son has, himself, worn his honor into the ground
and it should not be resurrected falsely. There are very little grounds on which to coddle this seriously spoiled, entitled prince with a royal standing. A prince who cannot be expected to behave with decorum, without the whining and throwing mud at his family, should not be allowed to be a prince. He is a menace to himself, his family and the country who supports him with their taxes. If he wants to be a spoiled brat, fine, but he should never get one red pence from his father, his family or the citizens of his country. In fact, the job of his family is now to prove that he will never be foisted onto the back of people bent over laboring to support their own families and to pay their taxes. Common people train their children to obey and to have social manners and graces, and if they don’t live up to those expectations, they are not awarded the position of heads of the family just because they were born. You expect your subjects to behave and act a certain way…EXPECT IT OF YOUR SON, CHARLES! He should be crying tears of remorse for what he has done against you and his family. No family is perfect and there are children who have grown up with a lot less of a home than Harry has had, and have turned out far better.
Harry would have to take the name Mountbatten-Windsor not Wales
I agree Prince Harry and Meghan should have their titles taken away from them. They are not working Royals, and they live in the United States of America. To them it seems like family is not important. Harry and Meghan need to grow up.
Has any one thought that all of this generation of royal’s problems are rooted in a competition between Kate and Meghan for “queen bee”? Kate was the only royal darling until Meghan came along. Then there were 2 darlings. Each husband stepped up to defend the one they loved. This all boils down to a soap opera!
Kate has no competition whatsoever, there is no comparison at all, and if there was, Kate would win. She is the epitome of ‘Royal’ and class.
There is no competition, Meghan is wannabe she will never be on the same level as kate
I would rather see MEGAN as QUEEN instead of. KATE. KATE is jealous of MEGAN
And u must be as delusional as MM.
King Charles needs to take Prince Harry’s side.HE’S prince Harry’s father.It’s not up to the public to decide what King Charles should do.And as far as Prince William he’s not King yet.Both him and Kate need to back off and stop telling King Chatles what to do.
Its not up to Charles, its the UK people who have a right to voice an opinion since their taxes are paying for all this, and William is most likely working with ‘dad’ and prepping for when he is King. “Daddy” keeps bailing spoiled brat out, and that doesn’t seem to be working.
You are a complete idiot !!
I think that the British people have spoken. Harry and Megs should lose their titles and
live their quiet? (that’s a laugh) lives in California.
Shut up, O spoiled supposed to be Prince. No one wants to hear you. That is why they boo so loudly when you drive by.
Prince William should not be king of London after King Charles dies.
No one is king or queen of the city of London. Whomever sits on the throne is the king or queen of the UK, Northern Ireland and all the other countries and territories of the British Empire. Also, the Prince of Wales is usually the person who ascends the throne so who should be the person to follow King Charles? Please don’t say Harry. He is not qualified.
Why shouldn’t William be King???? You are unbelievable!!
Harry an Megan should not be close to the Royals, an certainly not close to his father, an Camilla, an not sit with the rest of his family at all.They will start something. They should not be included in the chariot driven for People to cheer the King an Queen that line up is a no no for H @M.
H&m’s titles should definitely be taken away considering what they’ve done since leaving the RF. They use them to make money by trashing his family. First, they did the Oprah interview while his Grandfather lay dying & while the Queen was in mourning for him. Did they think they’d fooled the Queen about their treachery to the RF? Then they only waited 3 months to put out the netflix doc & h’s book. They didn’t care that the RF & the People were still in mourning for both of them. They just had to make that money, no matter who it hurt. Neither one of them deserves to have any kind of title & h should be removed from the line of succession. It doesn’t matter that he would never be King anyway. Their kids shouldn’t get titles either. They’d only end up making money off them, too. Plus h&m would find a way to use them & keep on attacking his family. I feel sorry for the kids because they are being raised by two selfish, immature narcissists who will never be able to give them the stable life that they need.
Their titles should be removed and Harry taken out of the line of succession, if that is what the British people want to see. Who in their right mind would trust those two??!! Even at these Hollywood parties they’re probably avoided, because no one wants their private conversations in his next book. They’ve trashed everything British. Trashed his whole family. And she isn’t nice to her family either! Couple of immature jerks. The royal family has class, Harry has none! Harry is an adult child, lacking common sense. I wouldn’t want him in charge of anything. She’s comes across as a manipulative,status-seeking phony to me. Nothing genuine about her.
YES! Don’t like them! They should NEVER been allowed to come here! But they certainly should not be allowed any titles or income from England AT ALL!!!!