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Royal Family News: Prince Harry Was Afraid To Return To London After Prince Philip’s Death

Prince HarryBritish royal family news reveals that when Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex jetted commercial back to England for the first time in over a year it was hard—and not just because there was no private jet to whisk the privileged prince away.

He’s telling all about the hardship and we have the details for you here. But first, it helps to put his trip into proper context.

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Is Sharing But Not Caring?

He went back to attend the late Prince Philip‘s funeral. While his grandfather was dying in the hospital (he later returned home to die) Harry refused calls to postpone a brutal family takedown with Oprah Winfrey. Many called on him to show some humanity, but not Harry. He and his wife Meghan aired the March 7 tell-all in which they took turns trashing both of their families.

It was after this sordid conduct that he flew home. “I was worried about it, I was afraid,” Harry told The Associated Press while shilling for his new AppleTV+ series that dropped Friday, May 21.

Queen Elizabeth’s husband of more than 70 years died on April 9 at 99. He was laid to rest at Windsor Castle on April 17, with Prince Charles, Prince William, Duchess Kate, and Harry among the mourners. Meghan did not go with Harry because she did not want to be the “center of attention.”

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Has Got A Hold On Reality

The prince’s relationships with his older brother and his father were already on shaky ground after he dropped Megxit on them a year earlier but after the March tell-all interview, the distance grew further.
In April a source told Us, “Unfortunately, Harry and Charles didn’t resolve their differences when Harry returned to the U.K. They barely communicated. There definitely continues to be a huge wedge between the two.”

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Likes To Expose His Family

The Prince of Wales was reportedly “fuming” after Harry’s round of interviews for his documentary.

The source told Us that during the funeral visit, “Harry didn’t go running back to Charles begging for forgiveness either. He still hasn’t forgiven his father for his lack of effort and support after he and Meghan decided to move. The reason Harry went back to the U.K. was to see the queen and to pay his respects to Prince Philip. That’s about as far as it goes.”

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  1. M. Payton says

    I don't think I can put into words here what I really feel about Harry and Meghan….they need to LOSE everything in life and hit bottom before I will ever have any respect for them…..

  2. Guest says

    Harry is the worst kind of stupid–rich and stupid. Having money insulates him from ever having to face reality. Sadly for him the chance of getting a clue is slim to none.

  3. Guest says

    Youe obvious already formed opinion of Harry and Meghan is truly disgusting. You don't know him, you obviously know nothing about actual Royalty, not elected here today gone tomorrow people, but actual Royalty. Harry is a stellar individual and has led a very commendable life – can your military record compare with his? Didn't think so. So dam quick to try to make him and his wife look like horrid people, when you have never ever ever been in their particularly his, position that it's almost laughable if it wasn't so irritating. He is trying to protect his family from what he had to endure as a child – was your mother chased to death by the paparazzi? Didn't think so – his father continually cheated on his mother with his married then girlfriend before and after he married Diana and had two children. And of this Diana was made to look like the bad one – you like the British press, are as much a bunch of bullies to Harry and his family as the press was to his beautiful mother…and he is trying to do his best to protect HIS family from history repeating itself – why the hell is this so hard for you to understand. Just leave them alone to live their lives – end of.

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