Royal Family News: Prince Harry Was NEVER Cut Off Financially By Prince Charles

British royal family news reveals that the fact checkers have been very busy ever since Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan Markle spun various tales to Oprah Winfrey on tv. Interestingly, not every tale has been substantiated or can be corroborated.

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But some of their stories have been successfully debunked, as in the myth Harry told that his dad cruelly had him “cut off financially.”

Royal Family News – Prince Harry Got An Adult Allowance

Just to be clear, adult Harry was not talking about when he was a kid. He was talking about 2020 and the fact that the 30-something man still hasn’t grasped the concept of ‘job’ is ludicrous no matter how you spin it.

Harry claimed he was forced to make a deal with the devil Netflix after he had been cut off by the Royal Family following Megxit. Which makes it seem as if it’s ok that Harry got in bed with the streamer that airs The Crown, a series about his family which basically portrays them as craven lunatics?

Royal Family News – The Crown Airs on Netflix

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Now multiple accounts have surfaced that Daddy Big Bucks gave Prince Harry, “many hundreds of thousands of pounds,” last year.

According to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex they had “no plan” after quitting the Royal Family, and again shifted blame for their actions by saying a friend suggested they sign with Netflix.

Harry also moaned that his security would be taken away after he abandoned the family and the country. He further seemed to justify the Netflix deal by saying he needed to quickly find a source of income for his family. “We didn’t have a plan. That was suggested by somebody else by the point of where my family literally cut me off financially, and I had to afford security for us.” At that point the violin players needed a break and the show cut to commercial.

Royal Family News – Netflix Airs The Crown About The Royals

Wah-Wah Harry also threw his dad Prince Charles under the bus by telling the world he rejected his calls after he dropped his Megxit bombshell.

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Without a trace of irony the pampered and privileged prince whined to the world, “I’ve got what my mum left me, and without that, we would not have been able to do this.”

Not so, as according to The Daily Mail sources said he received a lump sum from Prince Charles in late March 2020 after he announced his decision to step aside.

They claim he was gifted, “many hundreds of thousands of pounds,” to be able to eat and make the rent in his shiny new life in America.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family spoilers, news and updates.

Camilla Parker BowlesKate MiddletonMegexitMeghan MarklePrince CharlesPrince HarryPrince WilliamQueen ElizabethThe Royal FamilyThe Royal Family GossipThe Royal family News
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  • Jezz

    The one thing that has come from all this, is the very thing I was afraid of, and that is innocent, ordinary people are getting dragged into this mess. It is setting racial issues back, as I said it would. TV personalities who are arguing, out of control, and for what, rich people who could have sorted this matter out privately. I don't want my young family members wondering if I love them less because of their different race or colour because of careless tv interviews! I, like most decent people want us to make racial progress and I long for the day where people don't refer to someone by their race or colour. This Megan and Harry interview, to air their family grievances isn't the right way to go about it! They need to keep their family problems private and we need to be having these racial conversations with intelligent, calm and rational people like Mr and Mrs Obama and other informed human rights people, people with professional experience and ability to give us advice and to help us better understand our situation and issues. Lucrative sensationalist interviews with people who want to broadcast their personal life, to settle family scores is not helping us ordinary people living everyday lives in multicultural families and communities. This entire mess is disgusting and the last thing the people need right now. We need to be supporting our loved ones, because covid has proven to us life is short and we need to cherish the time we have with family and friends.

  • Guest

    Who knows what the truth is

  • Park Avenue

    You can pretty much figure it out, if you have the time -and stomach to do a simple Google search.

  • Sindy Sands

    Harry refused to tell them who it was. He didn't want it to be public. He just said it bothered him and he didn't like it. He is dealing with it himself.

  • Park Avenue

    Well, he should have KEPT it "to himself " and shut his big pie hole.
    Instead of telling,HR, their superior, his father, Queen Elizabeth… No. He RUNS to his emotionally fragile, suicidal wife and tells HER?
    na-uh… Something just doesn't smell right.
    By her own words, she didn't hear who said it
    "My husband told me" said she

  • Park Avenue

    Just how many times do those two have to "set the record straight"
    From that lame excuse for a book about the escape from Alcaraz
    To make believe people sitting are kabbitzing about MARKLES' unborn baby's 'skin tone' that SHE didn't hear, but was told to her by Harry who overheard it from "someone"
    To Kate not Babysitting poor "I am a strong, independent black woman"
    Harry & Bride wanted financial independence… But, they are complaining about how they were "cut off"
    Right. Both appear to be selfish, contradictory and intellectually immature.

  • Guest

    The rf was never on Harry and Meghans side before they stepped down from their duties. Harry did what he had to do to protect his family. Congrats Harry.

  • Park Avenue

    This is what is getting under MY craw
    "Someone" said 'skin color
    Harry overhead it from (???)
    Runs and tattles to Megan
    It then morphed to "a member of The Royal Family"
    A "SENIOR MEMBER" of The Royal Family
    And it's now
    "Prince Charles" said 'it'

    That's responsible Journalism?
    And if it was so traumatic, name the source.
    After all Charles did, walking her down the aisle, being so kind to her Mother, arranging for the Gospel Choir
    Paying them a very handsome Salary
    And they just dumped a big heap of haterd on the guys' lap

    I'm not a big fan of Charles, but who can't feel sorry for him after THAT humiliation!
    Call Megan out, your in the same boat as Prince Charles.

  • Sindy Sands

    Leave them alone. It is old news. They have their issues. It is none of our business. They tried to set the story straight as far as what happened and why they left. As far as what they did or why.. they have the right to do that. The "allowance" he got was his paycheck for serving the commonwealth. They did many tours of many countries.. the commonwealth areas where they worked day and night to represent the royal family. It is not easy. One must keep a face of joy and welcoming even if you are sick or exhausted. That is hard. They worked hard. I hate to hear people putting them down for getting "allowance" for their duties and yes it is a job. Let's leave them alone and let them deal with their own family issues.