Royal Family News: Prince Harry’s Botoxed Forehead Is The Talk Of The Town

Prince HarryBritish royal family news shows that Hollywood Harry is living up to his name according to those who have noticed his visage looking noticeably less wrinkled. Has he gotten Botox? There’s been lots of chatter about his balding head, now comes word that he is looking to ward off Father Time with an injection or two. Who’s to judge? Modern medicine is here to help us live faster, higher, stronger—oops, that’s the Olympic motto—how about longer and healthier?

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Royal Family News: Did Harry Get An Injection?

It was his virtual conference this month for BetterUp that had tongues wagging about a, “Hollywood makeover,” according to New Idea. A source spilled, “Prince Harry has come to terms with his hairline.” Why? There are all kinds of hair treatments from Rogaine to plugs if Harry wants to braid his hair.

The source added, “The mocking he got when that story came out about him seeing a hair plug expert [shortly after his wedding] was enough to put him off trying to fool the public about it.”

Royal Family News – Harry Has Gone Hollywood?

The chatty source added, “But being married to a former actress, he’s definitely come round to the LA way of thinking… in that aesthetic work is the same deal as a haircut!”

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Dr. Anthony Youn is a plastic and cosmetic surgeon to the stars, who has not treated Prince Harry as far as we know, but applauds whatever Harry’s had done saying he looks good.

Royal Family News – What Has Harry Had Done If Anything?

Youn says, “He may have had a touch of Botox to smooth the lines, but that’s about it.” The outlet’s sourced claims, “He’s got to live by Hollywood standards now. His frown line was nothing short of an oddity to his new circle of friends.” We haven’t been the kindest voice in the past to Harry and his unholy conduct. There is now way we would ever endorse him suing his grandmother Queen Elizabeth as is the rumor. But two things come to mind here: 1. Don’t do something to impress your friends, 2. do it for you, and when you do, own it.

Harry, your, “new circle of friends,” don’t give a whit about you, if they did they wouldn’t care what you look like and history says you’re about to find that out the hard way. No amount of Botox will help you smooth things out then.

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Be sure to catch up on everything happening with the royal family. Come back here often for royal family news and updates.

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  • Guest

    Actually He Looks Healthier
    Then He Did When He Lived
    In The UK & Put Up With The
    Dysfunctional & Pompous
    ROYAL FAMILY & All Thier
    Surprised He Didn't Leave
    Sooner, Maybe He Should
    Have, Both His Dad & Brother
    Are Totally Stuck, But Since
    HARRY Has No Such Tie, Other
    Then To Being A Support Person
    The (" SPARE" If You Will), He
    Should Be On His Own, Making
    His Own Way, & Just Maybe
    The ROYAL'S Don't Like One
    Of Them Breaking Loose
    Knowing He Knows All The
    & ROYAL'S & They Are Afraid
    It Will Come Out In HARRY'S
    BOOK That He Wrote, Maybe
    They Are Afraid Of Just That.

  • Park Avenue

    I doubt any of the Family is scared of him.
    Laughable? Yes!
    Frightened? Hardly.

  • Guest

    He and his wife want to have their cake and eat it too. Both are very immature and have not only burned bridges wherever they’ve gone but have also burned them before they’ve even arrived. If you don’t want to be part of the family, then stop using your royal titles which is the only reason they’ve secured the business deals that they have. Not to worry, I see that story ending within the next few years when people no longer answer their phone calls.

  • Guest

    Prince Harry looks terrible!!!!!! He looks like a shell of a man…and whatever he has stuck to the top of his head is not helping his looks either. Ohhhhh this is so sad to see, and pathetic..somebody please, get him away from that awful woman he married before she finishes him off once and for all.